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"This is the Shadow the Hedgehog?" She asked incredulously, eyebrows raised in surprise. The dark one grunted, unimpressed. The (h/c)-haired woman began to walk around Shadow, inspecting him. "I cannot believe that this is him." She whispered, returning to her spot next to the ebony agent.

The commander's lips twitched slightly, a corner raising to form a smirk. "You two will do great things together." He said, seemingly in awe.

"Ah, great things my ass." She drawled, running a hand through her (h/c) locks. "I honestly could do this missions alone."

"Agent, we've been over this. You're doing the mission with Shadow." She cringed at his calm voice, (e/c) hues closing slightly. "You two will be a double-edged sword."

"So, is there any other information we should know about Mephiles?" She asked, ignoring the commanders remark, sending a sharp glare towards Shadow as he tiredly crossed his arms.

The commander frowned, moving behind his desk and taking a seat on the tall leather chair. "Rumours have been circulating about Mephiles looking similar to Shadow." He paused, arching both his thin, grey eyebrows at the said hedgehog. "Seemingly with different quill colours."

Huh. The heroine thought. Interesting, so they'll look alike? She lazily rolled her (e/c) eyes, keeping her thoughts to herself. "Strange. Anything else?"

He seemed thoughtful for a moment, finally concluding his thoughts and looking (y/n) straight in the eye. "No, it seems as if I've covered everything. If anything turns up, I will be sure to contact the both of you." He paused, glancing at the silver watch that lay on his wrist. "You will leave at 7 o'clock sharp. You are dismissed."

The two agents nodded, making a quiet exit. The (h/c) woman turned suddenly, facing the broody hedgehog that almost walked away. "I challenge you, the little man, to a fight to test our strength." She extended a small hand, confidence blooming within her slender frame.

He seemed taken aback; he stared at her hand, a slightly bewildered expression painting his face. It was soon washed away as a determined look set in, his lips slightly curling up to form a smug smirk. "Challenge accepted. Don't expect me to go easy on you because you are a human." He took her hand, firmly shaking it as she raised a thin (h/c) brow.

"Please, give me all you've got." She smiled, her chin raised.

The walk to the training grounds went in comfortable silence, occasional accusing peeps from the dark heroine. They calmly stood across from each other, the bright sun reflecting off of them.

(Y/n) rested a hand on her hip, a relaxed stance taking her form as she gazed at Shadow, amused. Her long (h/c) locks blew in the wind, a dark expression evident within her. He, however, was already holding a bright green spear, it's power crackling loudly.

She snickered, a childish competitiveness sinking in. "Ah, a chaos spear, I see." She made eye contact with him, winking flirtatiously. She bit her lip seductively, running a hand through her silky locks before tucking some behind her ear. He was taken aback at the sudden change in nature, heartbeat racing and cheeks reddening. Without a warning, she rushed at him, adrenaline fuelling her. Swinging at him, he moved back just in time to dodge her attack. Ah, so it was a distraction.

She growled, thrusting her leg out and landing a solid kick on his left leg. Grunting, the weapon disappeared, his gloved fists raising. He was surprised; she already landed an attack on me? Impressive. He hurled a fist at her, feigning a punch as he disappeared and reappeared behind her. She turned at the last moment, the flash of (h/c) enough to catch the striped hedgehogs attention.

Grabbing his fist, she landed a punch to his gut, his groan of disapproval encouraging her to continue her fierce attacks. His crimson eyes evaluated the situation, vanishing from her grasp. Kicking her sharply in the back, he smirked victoriously as she stumbled forward.

She swiped a leg behind her causing him to trip, losing balance but quickly regaining it. She spun, lifting her leg and landing a blow to his jaw. He jumped back, massaging his face slightly.

He smirked. "Not bad, for a human." Just then, an announcement was heard, the robotic voice echoing throughout the empty training grounds.

"Lunch." The heroine snarled, beginning to walk away. She threw a look over her shoulder, taking in Shadows dark form. "I wouldn't say I resent you, but it's very close."

Rolling his eyes, he jogged to catch up to her. "I could care less if you despise me. Just don't get in my way." He stated assertively, his deep voice firm. She ignored him, other things on her mind.

"We leave at 7, correct?" She confirmed, looking to Shadow for assurance.

He nodded. "Don't be late."

"Back at you."


She double-checked her pockets, making sure she had everything she needed. Bobbing her head, she mentally checked off her list. Knives--check. Smoke bombs--check. Molotov--check. Keys--check. Pistol--check.

Zipping up the small pocket on her thigh, she rushed out, glancing at the clock. Running down the stairs, she jumped, landing a few floors beneath her, next to the door. She slowly stood up from her crouched position, brushing herself off. She glanced at her small silver watch. 7:00. He's late, she smiled triumphantly, brushing a (h/c) strand behind her ear.

Impatiently tapping her foot on the concrete, she waited for Shadow. Some minutes passed, causing her to sigh in exasperation, dragging a petite hand across her forehead. She felt uneasy. This was her first mission with the devilishly handsome Shadow The Hedgehog.

Soon, the top agent walked down the stairs, causing the cunning female to angrily roll her eyes. "You're 4 minutes late, little man."

Without casting a second glance at her, he spoke with authority. "Let's move."

Annoyed, she waved her keys in front of his face. "I have the keys to my motorcycle. We can ride there on it."

He chuckled at her stupidity. "We're going to a forest. It's impossible to arrive there in a motorcycle." A look of understanding crossed her features.

"I knew that, I was just testing you." She lied wryly. "How do you propose we get there, then?"

Reaching into his quills, he pulled out a red chaos emerald. Her lips parted, eyebrows raising and mouth forming an 'O' shape.

"Chaos control." They whispered in unison, the heroine shutting her mouth and walking towards him.

"But chaos control only moves one person." He sniggered as she continued to think.

"Come here." Her (e/c) hues widened at the bluntness of the command. Hesitantly, she walked closer to him, his scarlet eyes rolling. "I'm not going to kill you. Hurry up, or I'll leave without you."

"Are you flirting with me, little man?"

He rolled his eyes again, pulling her to him by the waist, their bodies flush against each other. She began squirming under his grip, yelling profanities. "This is assault! What the actual fuck!"

"Idiot! Watch." Silencing her, he held up the emerald, spouting a simple phrase. "Chaos control!"


I'd like to say that I really enjoy reading your comments. I read every single one, and they never fail to make me smile. I'd even say that I like comments better than votes! So, again, thanks for being by me and supporting me! I'd like to give a shoutout to two of my friends on Wattpad, because they've helped me through a lot. So thanks to and for being there! Sorry for the long-ass authours note, I thought it was necessary :D

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