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" Do you know how there are moments when the world moves so slowly you can feel your bones shifting, your mind tumbling? When you think that no matter what happens to you for the rest of your life, you will remember every last detail of that one minute forever?"

-Jodi Picoult

Forever is a lifetime with you.

" Richard, was your weekend?" As Richard saw Sam standing near his office.
" It was great. We had an incredible time, we went to our island...." Richard looking over his shoulder hand signals Sam motioning him to go in his office.
" What's up, pare...why did you stop?" Sam asked
" I just want to discuss my weekend in private, that's all..and guess what we're officially together!" Richard excitedly exclaimed
" Really? Wow, pare..congratulations..." As Sam gave him a hug
" She is just beautiful and I felt it was bound to happen when I met her, Yesterday I took her to my house and she met dad and grandma.."
" Oh yeah? So how did it go? Was she good enough for your dad and grandma and didn't she pass their standards for you?.." Sam asked, " What is your dad's first impression on Maine?"
" Dad tells me that Maine reminded him of mom in many ways, he likes her and grandma too, she was all over her and I got nervous when she got all the family pictures and she saw me in diapers, it was so embarrassing, good thing she didn't say much about it." Richard laughing slightly
" Or if she had mentioned you try to pull your pants down and reveal your crack that could have been worse, and Maine would have changed her mind and dump you.." Sam jokingly said
" Nah, I don't think so...she loves me too much to do that.." Richard said with a twinkle in his eyes
" Really? Does she love you or you love her more?" Sam asked curiously
" I do love her. It's kinda getting serious, pare...any friendly advice?" Richard asked
" Pare, I know that you love her, don't rush into things and take your time. Somewhere down the line, there will come a time when you will eventually consider marrying whomever is the lucky one for you, but just remember that you make the decision wholeheartedly and with your eyes wide open.." Sam said
" I know, thanks pare.." Richard said
" She is one lucky gal to have you..and if it's any consolation, I'm here as a friend to talk okay..?" Sam encouragingly told him
" I'm the lucky one. She makes me a better person.." Richard said
" Better than Sophia?" Sam asked
" Far more better, Sophia was more like a friend, not the one I got serious over.." Richard said
" You haven't told me the full story on what happened, so why did you guys broke up?" Sam asked
" Sophia and I just grew tired of each other, there was no love at all anymore. She was just an impulsive and infatuated person who thinks getting serious with me is a great idea and feels she wants to have kids with me and wants to get married and I was not ready. Not to her. So, I just had the courage one day, I far realized that it wasn't gonna work so I told her its best if we just remained friends.." Richard said
" Pare, so that's what happened, at least now you're able to tell me more about it, you used to evade my questions when it's directed to Sophia.."
" Haha! I know, I just didn't feel why it needs to be discussed when there's nothing serious to talk about.." Richard answered
" Unlike now, right?" Sam teased him
" Tinatanong pa ba yon? Of course, anyway, a crazy thing happened this morning I went down to the garage and when I got in my car, it wouldn't start and I have to find a mechanic to fix it because I have something planned for Maine and I, can you help me out?" Richard asked
" Of course, so what's the plan?" Sam asked
" I'm thinking of having the day off tomorrow and take her to the picnic grounds.. I'd have to call Maine first if Pat can take her home so I can have the car fixed.." Richard told him
" Or we can go to their office and say hello, from there we can stop by a car shop and fetch my friend along to fix your car and drop you does that sound?" Sam asked
" Thanks Sam, by the way, where's our boss? Is he around?" Richard asked
" Yes, he is somewhere he was impressed by the way you handled those Japanese investors. I have to get out if here. Let me know of any changes, okay? " Sam asked
" I will, thanks." As Sam left, his boss appeared in the hallway and walked in his direction and opened his office door.
" Richard, congratulations for a job well done. Any personal requests for yourself, consider it done..." Joey said
" Sir, thank you. Can I request for a day off tomorrow?" Richard asked
" Yes, go on Faulkerson.." Joey answered
" Thank you sir. I appreciate it.." Richard replied

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