Chapter 7: Emma

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 "Helpless!  Look into you eyes and the sky's the limit! Down for the count, and I'm drowning in 'em."  I rushing to the front corner of the stage and looked over my shoulder at "Alexander" like I was supposed to do. "I have never been the type to grab the spotlight,"  I pointed behind me without looking. "We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night, laughing at my sisters  as she's dazzling in the room. Then you walked in and my heart went 'boom!' " I jogged up to Renee and took her hands and watched as Lin as he walked across the room while singing, "Try'in to catch your eyes across the side of the ballroom. Everybody's dancing and bands got volume."

I pulled "Angelica" way from crowd. "Grabbed my sister and whispered, 'yo this one's mine.' "

Renee looked at Lin and pinched my cheek and walked over to him.

"My sister made her way across the room to you." I continued. "And I got nervous thinking what's she gonna do? She grabs you by the arm and thinking I'm through. But you looked back at me and suddenly I'm Helpless!" I rushed to the center of the stage. I twirled around in my skirts. "I am so into you!" The female dancers spun to the middle of the stage, surrounding me for a brief moment then twirled back to their male partners. "I know I'm down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em."  I ran back to my corner when Renee and Lin started walking over to me.

"Where are you taking me?" "Alexander" asked "Angelica".

"I'm about to change you life."  Renee smirked.

"Elizabeth Schulyer, it's a pleasure to meet you." I said and curtsied when we neared me.

"Schuyler?" Lin put on a confused face and looked to Renee.

"My sister, " Renee clarified.

"Thank you for all your service." I said to Lin. He looked at me and smiled brightly, I got tingles, cause I knew he wasn't acting then.

"If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it might of been worth it. " He took my hand and kissed it.

"I'll leave you too it." Renee walked off the stage and Lin followed her, after giving me the slightest of a wink.

"One week later I'm writing a letter nightly." Jazzy gave me a parchment letter. "Now my luck gets better every letter that you write me." Renee looked over my shoulder. "Laughing at my sister cause she wants to form a harem."

"I'm just saying if you really loved me you would share 'em!" She snatch the letter from my hand and I calmly took it back while singing. "Two weeks later in the living room stressing," From a spinning section of the stage, a bench came into view. I gave my letter to a dancer to put away and sat in between Jazzy and Renee and put my chin into my hands. "My father's stone face while you're asking for his blessing!" 

Lin and "Phillip Schulyer" were direct across from us and they were exchanging a form of words.

"And I'm dying inside as you wine and dine, and I'm trying not to cry cause there's nothing that your mind can't do! My father makes his way across the room to you." I stood up and face the crowd. "And I panicked for a second think we're through." Then I smiled and said. "But he shakes you hand and says be true! And you turn back to me and smile, and I'm Helpless!" 

I ran over to Lin and hugged him, they broke away quickly and hugged Renee, then Jazzy and  tried not to laugh when Lin starting doing a dance that looked like it was from Magic Mike.

"Helpless! Hoo! Yes! That boy is mine! That boys IS mine!"

Then wedding music started to play. A woman quickly pinned an veil to my head and I took my fathers arm and he started leading me down the stage, I made it to Lin and he slipped the gold band on my finger. I looked at him in the eyes, and everything melted away. The audience, the music, the people on stage....

Then Lin kissed me. It was more passionate and lasted longer than it did in the dressing room. The music for "Helpless" stopped and Lin led me to the side of the stage and wrapped his arm around me waist. I rested my head on his shoulder, which was something I wasn't told to do, but I did it anyway. He leaned on me. 

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