Chapter 1: My Web! No Touchy!

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Run. Run. Run.

That's all Spider-Man could think of: Run! But he couldn't just run off, no matter what his instincts repeatedly told him to do. Right now, his team(s) really needed a functioning leader. But they're going to get you! The sane part of him would argue, which Spider-Man stubbornly shushed. He really needed to focus right now, and ones' inner voice could get remarkable distracting.

So he took a deep breath, and looked over the scene before him and tried to spot enemies among the shadows. "Everyone, regroup." Spider-Man commanded, landing in the center of the training room. Immediately, his fellow comrades were there with him, they formed a circle, back to back, looking for their opponents.

"So, what's the plan Spidey?" Agent Venom asked nervously, his stance was little shaken up, but he held his fists up and ready.

"Hmm...what kind of plan would work on them?" Spider-Man wondered out loud, tapping his chin thoughtfully.

Nova's glow shone bright around everyone, which also proved to be their only source of light in the darkened room. He hovered a few inches off the ground as he proclaimed, "Figure it out Webs! That's why you're the leader!" Spider-Man would have teased Nova about actually addressing him as the leader, if not for the sarcasm that seemed to be literally dripping from his tone.

Spider-Man scowled, a million thoughts racing through his head. But before he could come up with any plan, there was a low whistling noise. "Watch out!" Spider-Man called, ducking as everyone followed his example. But there was an indignant cry, and sudden Kazar was pulled into the shadows. Zabu growled in displeasure at his brothers' disappearance and bared his fangs angrily; fur bristled and stood on edge.

"Easy there," White Tiger comforted sub-consciously next to Zabu, and rubbed his ears comfortingly with one hand, all while keeping a defensive stance and alert gaze as her eyes wondered through the shadows as well.

They couldn't see with all this darkness, if they were to take down their enemy they needed light. Spider-Man could barely make out figures stalking in the shadows, slowly surrounding his team. They were all sitting ducks right now. Abruplty, there was a familiar tingling in Spider-Man's skull and he knew it was now or never. "Nova light us up!" Spider-Man yelled as he dodged another attack.

Nova rose higher in a flash, and shone brighter, encasing the room in his light. The familiar faces of the Avengers greeted the teens, as they noted that they were, in fact, surrounded. Spider-Man was barely able to dodge one of Hawkeye's net arrows, which instead flew past and hit Power-Man. "Really?" the muscled teen grumbled in annoyance, but broke through the net with ease.

"What? I miss one, I always get another." Hawkeye smirked at them, a new arrow already notched in his bowstring.

"Hey, if you guys want to give up we totally understand." Iron Mans cocky voice called. The genius allowed himself to light up his armor, due to the darkness withdrawal from Nova. His arms were crossed over his metal-covered chest, in a lazily triumphant stance, as he hovered in the air with his suit boosters. "I would probable surrender too if I was in your position."

Spidey and his team scowled. It was Nick Fury's idea to let them train against the Avengers, they all knew they were poorly out skilled, and would most likely lose without a doubt. But they were also a stubborn bunch, and utterly refused to surrender. Even to the Avengers. "I don't think so," Spider-Man answered for his team, getting into his normal spider crouch. "Kay' team(s), get ready!"

"Avengers go!" Captain America called, and the Avengers jumped into action.

Spider-Man immedianly took control and called out, "Power-Man, Rhino your guys are on Hulk. Dagger, Cloak, you're on Hawkeye. Iron Spider and Iron Fist, get on Iron Man. White Tiger, and Zabu your on Black Widow. Squirrel Girl, and Nova on Falcon. Agent Venom, and Triton your with me against Captain America!" Spider-Man jumped forward, "Lets show em' what S.H.I.E.L.D Academy can do!" the rest of them followed after him with a bold battle cry.

Animal Instincts: Infected Humanity *Book 1* (Ultimate Spider-Man *Cartoon*)Where stories live. Discover now