Just a rebound

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Max sat alone at a bar quietly drinking his rum and coke as he thought about his life. He was 26 years old and had just gotten out of a long term relationship.  Just thinking about his relationship with Charles made his stomach twist unpleasantly. He had no idea how things had gotten so bad. He met Charles at a housewarming party for one his coworkers. He had walked into the party and saw a good looking tall man standing by a table full of snacks. Max had hung out for about an hour and while he was saying his good byes Charles walked over and introduced himself.  After that they hung out a few times and started dating.

At first everything was great until Max realized whenever they went out Charles acted odd. He was stand offish and less affectionate. After one particularly frustrating date Max finally asked Charles what the deal was. It was that night that Max found out Charles was still in the closet. Charles swore he was going to come out, he just wasn’t ready yet. Trying to be understanding Max was patient and tried his best not to pressure Charles.

A year later Charles was still living in his closet and screwing Max on the side. Things had just gone downhill from there. As Max became more and more impatient, Charles’s personality changed as well. He became aggressive and argumentative.  The first time Charles hit Max he was able to justify it, after all while he was gay Max was a man and men often fight. After a few more physical fights Max realized this was not a relationship he wanted to be in.

Max ended things with Charles about a month ago. While he was sad when he remembered the good times he had with Charles he wasn’t dumb he knew things were only going to get worse. So that is what led Max to this bar on a Friday night reminiscing about his broken relationship. Just to make things more awkward Charles’ apartment was in the same neighborhood has his own so he had run into him a few times. Hence the reason why this was the 1st night Max had been out in a social setting.

Rising to his hand to get the bartender’s attention Max ordered another drink.

“Here” said a slightly raspy voice as another rum and coke slid his direction.

Looking up he locked eyes with the bartender that must have just come on shift. His eyes were like pools of chocolate, dark spicy chocolate.

As Max stared he could feel a warm flush work its way up his neck. Max smiled slightly and a mumbled thank you.

Under his lashes he watched him work. He was HOT. He was tall and built unlike Max’s own frame which leaned towards thin border line skinny. He noticed the bartender tended to stay on Max’s side of the bar. Hoping that was a sign the next time the bartender walked over to refill the pretzels Max introduced himself.

“well Max I am Jake” the bartender replied. “what brings you here tonight”

“oh just wanted out of my apartment I guess” Max answered.

“you look like you have some pretty deep thoughts I have a pretty good ear if you want to talk” he offered.

“Nothing much just got out of a relationship and thinking about how it went down the crapper”

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