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No one's POV~

It has been nearly 2 weeks since Carol Mitchell died. Beca had not left the house and had only eaten one piece of toast a day. She is depressed and everyone is so worried. She will only speak to Ruby. Chloe has tried calling and texting but nothing. Chloe will give her time since she knows how much her girlfriend is hurting.

Ruby had a week off from work until she was forced to go back, she didn't want to go back. She just wanted to look after her younger sister, Beca was cutting and there was nothing she could do about it if she was at work! She wasn't the happy and energetic sport teacher anymore. She planned the lesson and then the class just got on with it. She wasn't the same and that worried everyone too. The worst thing is that no one can do anything to make the Mitchell sisters feel better.  

Ruby had just finished teaching her normal class and was about to head home, It was lunch but she didn't have anymore classes to teach, when Chloe came up to her.

"I'm sorry what happened Ruby. Is there anything I can do to help?" Chloe asked her sadly 

"You can try and get Beca to eat, she has one bit of toast. I am worried about her so much and she has began to cut. She is depressed and I hate knowing that I am at work while she is at home alone" She mumbled 

"I am heading home since I have a free lesson after lunch, I am pop there on my way home?" Chloe said 


Since Ruby was heading home I got a lift with her, I know I probably shouldn't but she is my girlfriends sister so who cares. Once we got to their house I headed inside with Ruby. 

"She is in her room, I will be down here" She told me and I nodded

I headed upstairs into Beca's room and I seen her just curled up in a ball on her bed, bless her. 

"Hey Bec" I said softly but she didn't say anything 

"I'm so sorry baby. I know how broken you are right now and I understand you don't want to talk to me but please just know I am here for you and I want to try and make you feel the slightest bit better" I said, kissing her forehead

"It hurts" She sobbed

"I know it does baby but it will be alright soon, I promise. How about we get you out of your room and get some fresh air?" I said 

She just shook her head sadly and I sighed.

"Come on Bec, You need to get some fresh air. Let's just go into the back garden yeah?" 

Again she shook her head. I wouldn't ask again since I know how much she is hurting. I decided to leave her because I knew she would want to be alone, I will text her and pop round tomorrow to see her but for now I will leave her be. I said goodbye and she just nodded a little. 

I headed downstairs and seen Ruby, telling her she didn't want to do anything. After I left I just decided to go home and chill. 


I headed upstairs to see Beca, I needed her to eat something, eating one piece of toast a day is not going to make her feel any better! I walked into her room and she wasn't in there so I went to her bathroom and noticed the door was open and she was being sick. She is either making herself sick or is actually ill.

"Bec come on, come downstairs and get a drink okay?" I told her

She said no but I told her she had to. It wasn't a questions, she probably hasn't drank anything all day. Once we got downstairs I poured her a glass of orange juice which she drank, thankfully! She drank it all so she was clearly thirsty.

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