Chapter Six

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"Shadows fall and hope has fled" several voices sang, engulfing me in the song once more and calming me so that I found myself able to think past the panic and fear. I glanced around me to make a quick assessment of the threat that surrounded me before throwing my hand into the air, allowing the mark upon my hand to glow brighter as a ball of light shot above me before lingering there. Long bright lines of light crawled from within the ball like tentacles as it took hold of the threats that surrounded me, slowing them as it drained their life force.

I felt the pull it had on my soul, drawing something out of me and somehow, I knew that I had to act quickly. Something in my gut told me that I didn't have much time though I wished that I had longer. Briefly, I struggled to keep my eyes open when suddenly something clicked inside and swiftly, I grabbed a dagger from the sheath of one of the red Templars, being careful to avoid his sword as he swung for me. His movements remained slow whilst I found myself unaffected.

I took the dagger and sliced open his throat as I felt a power within me growing, attempting to escape the walls that contained it. A sudden ignition of the red lyrium caused a blaze to burn brightly, spreading throughout the cave and smoke to hang heavily in the air as the fire spread, burning all that was in its path. Swiftly, I continued to move as I sliced the throat of a second Templar whilst the fire took a firm grasp on several others.

Agonised screams surrounded me as the fire licked at their skin, cooking them within their armour and burning at the lyrium that had grown from their bone. My heart slowed as I threw the dagger at a Templar who had been set ablaze, killing him instantly whilst the blue light that lingered above, vanished, freeing the remaining.

I paused briefly as the three approached me, their eyes burning with the glow of red lyrium as they attempted to recover from the life draining power that had once held them.

Swiftly, I rolled out of the way as the nearest attempted to swing at me and my heart leapt into my throat for a short moment as I wondered as to what else I could do to stop them. I gulped as I felt my heart quicken before swiftly grabbing the burning hot

sword of one of those who had perished in the flame and forced it to cool.

Firmly, I held it and awaited the battle that was to come as the three approached me, no longer did my heart hold fear for them as I stood there. As the first swung his sword, I blocked it with mine and forced him away before lifting my hand again and forcing the ground to lift, shaking them and forcing them further away as I tried to think as to what to do next. Despite magic being second nature to me, it was still difficult to control and the more I struggled to think of what to do next, the more I lost control over the flames that engulfed the mine.

I coughed as I tried to keep myself under control and clear the smoke that filled my lungs when suddenly, a large boulder flew past me, hitting one of the three that remained.

Cautiously, I glanced over my shoulder to see the woman who looked identical to me, accompanied by three others, gazing back at me. My eyes widened with fear and shock as quickly I turned, threw the sword aside and lifted both of my arms, bringing a cooling air into the room that froze the three that stood before me.

Again I gulped as the fires extinguished under the cooling breeze that surrounded me before I leapt over the three and flipped, focusing on creating a rift as the blue mark glowed even brighter before the light engulfed me. Briefly I paused as I gazed through the rift at those outside who suddenly appeared panicked at the sight they'd witnessed.

"Did that girl just create a rift?" Asked the elven man as his eyes grew wide with shock and fear before the rift closed behind me, leaving me in alone in the place I'd come from. I glanced around at the old ruins that surrounded me and the castle that towered over everything in the distance before I opened a second rift that allowed me access to home before jumping through it, slipping upon the ice and falling on my back.

"I need to work on my landings, don't I?" I murmured as the blue glowing portal closed behind me, sealing the world of the fade once again.

"I take it that you succeeded?" Her voice echoed around me, engulfing me as I stood.

"The inquisitor arrived, but yes I succeeded"

"Did the inquisitor see you?"


"Then we must work quickly, we have much less time than I thought"

"What do you mean? What's going on Flemeth?"

"We will discuss this in morning, the inquisitor is moving faster than I anticipated"

I stood there, watching carefully as I analysed my memories, wondering why she suddenly seemed worried. Her eyes aged as she moved and gazed upon me briefly before she continued to ready herself for something though I was uncertain as to what.


"Child of the Rift, Dawn, the inquisitor is your mother. She doesn't know of your existence and she will now be searching for you because it's believed that only the inquisitor can create and close rifts"

"Well isn't it a good thing that there are two who can open and close rifts?"

"That is debatable. All people know is that she touched an old elven relic that allowed her those powers but you were created with such power. It may be something too terrifying to most to comprehend"

"Than what shall we do about it?"

"Move on with the plan at a much faster rate"

"What plan?"

"That is what I shall tell you off in the morning, rest now. You will need to waken at day break," replied Flemeth. I nodded in response and gulped down a breath of air before resting upon the cold blankets that lay on the floor, providing me with a temporary bed of sorts. My mind raced with questions but even so, I forced myself to rest, knowing that she only wanted what was best for me. She was doing what was best for us all.

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