Ch.2 Karma

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While Riley and Maya went to the doctors, Lucas and Josh went on their helicopter ride as they flew around the island.

"How you feeling Josh?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know" Josh said nervously as he looked out the window "We are really high."

"How you boys doing?!" the pilot asked.

"Can I get a barf bag?" Josh asked with a nervous look "I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Dude would you relax?" Lucas asked "Just sit back and enjoy the ride."

"You guys enjoying the view?!" the pilot asked.

"Yeah actually" Lucas smiled as he looked out the window "Man those people look really tiny down there."

"That's a preschool!"


"Hey" Josh said as he looked out the window "This isn't so bad."

"See?" Lucas said "There's nothing to worry about."

"Hey any of you guys know how to fly a helicopter?!" the pilot asked as Lucas and Josh's eyes widen.

"Uh, that's just helicopter humor right?" Lucas asked with a nervous smile.

"Not really" the pilot said as he started to get dizzy "I'm feeling a little-".

All of a sudden he collapsed in his seat as an alarm went off. Realizing what was happening, Lucas and Josh started to scream in terror.

"Josh do something!" Lucas screamed.

"I am doing something!" Josh screamed "I'm panicking!"

"Sir!" Lucas shook the pilot "Sir please wake up! Wake up or we're all gonna die!"

"And we're too young to die!" Josh added.

But the pilot wasn't waking up.

"Hey" Lucas looked at the controls "Maybe I can fly this, these controls kinda look like the ones in my video game, but where the hell is the fire canon?!"

Realizing that they didn't know what to do, Lucas decided to go with the next option.

"Oh Lord" he prayed as he looked up "Please help us! I swear if you let us live through this I'll be good! Just please let us live!"

All of a sudden the pilot woke up.

"Well that was a strange dream" he said as he took control of the helicopter and the alarm stopped "So you guys still enjoying the ride!"

"I really need that barf bag now!" Josh yelled while gripping his heart.


In another side of the island, Farkle and Smackle were walking down the beach when they came upon a sigh that said 'Island Trail'.

"Oo Island Trail, that sounds fun" Smackle said.

"And it takes us around the volcano" Farkle added with interest "I'm in."

But when they were done with the trail, Smackle came out from the trail all tired and sweaty.

"Damn I haven't sweated this much since my first Spelling Bee" she panted.

She then noticed that Farkle wasn't with her.

"Farkle where are you?!" she called as Farkle came out from the trail.

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