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I look at my razor and think is it true will the pain go away?
I walk away scared if I say there I'll do something I'll regret.
I look in the mirror feeling fat I think if I could fix that I would. So my cousin tells me to starve myself and fake eating so I do.
She tells me I'm worthless and fat I'll never have anyone to love me.
And I believe her.
I soon get a call from a boy I have had a crush on for sooooo long he flirted with me called me beautiful and perfect I believe him I was ok he saved me. But nothing perfect last very long. About 3weeks later he calls me and tells me he was using me for sex he never cared about me I'm stupid and a bicth for not having sex with him.
About 2 days later another boy found out and told my hole school to call me a slut/hoe so they did.
So now I'm back in my room looking in my mirror wishing I could brake it I glanced at my razor.
Maybe this isn't such a bad idea to end the pain for awhile?

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