Don't Die On Me

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Your gasps echo through the room.

The concrete is freezing cold and you seize trying to avoid the frigid ground while an oddly familiar warmth drips from your ribs.

Your breathless pants do little to fill your lungs.

Footsteps race through the warehouse only pausing briefly at the door.

Audrey rushes to your side calling your name even as she pulls out her cell phone.

Her voice is louder, heightened in its panic. You've never heard her sound so scared.

"I need an ambulance. She's hurt. There's so much blood. "

Grey eyes jump from the cooling puddle to the blood still dripping through your fingers.

Her voice is quieter almost a whisper in her terror.

"Oh god."

Audrey rips off her jacket tying it so tight around you it burns.

"Hurry! She's still bleeding!"

Audrey shouts the address into the floor not wasting a moment to even end the call.

She trembles as she pulls you into her your skin frigid and your body limp.

"Don't die on me," she almost whispers gripping your cold hand. "I love you. "

You try to smile through grimaces.

"I love you too."

Audrey's looks lift in a half hearted smile even as her brow furrows in worry.

Your eyes flutter as your body feels lighter with every second.

l"Don't go to sleep. "

The words are hushed in their urgency.

You pout.

"But I'm so tired. "

Even as you speak, your eyes start to drift shut.

Audrey shakes you albiet as gently as she can buy it still pulls a pained groan from your lips.

"You might not wake up if you go to sleep. "

You speak even as the sound of footsteps enter the room.

"You owe me a date after this. "

You're still mumbling when two of you enter the ambulance.

"Where are we gonna go?"

Audrey smiles her thumb rubbing against your cheek.

"Wherever you want. "

Your eyes shut even as you smile.

The next time you wake up it's to Audrey squeezing your hand staring at you like you hold the answers to the world.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been stabbed, " you croak.

There's a new softness to her features Audrey's eyes even have lost their steel replaced with silk.

"Did you mean it? What you said earlier? "

Audrey smiles and stands up leaning over your bedside.

"I'm a shit liar. Believe me."

Her fingers brush your hair behind your ear.

The touch makes you shiver.

"What does this mean for us? "

Audrey leans in closer hovering over your lips.

"I have some planning to do is all. "

Then she kisses you making your heart beat out of your chest.

Talking doesn't feel like a priority after that.

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