1st Sentence

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Open the novel you're reading to page 99.

(The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer)

Take the first full sentence at the top of the page and use it to start the story. Write up to 3 paragraphs.

But the Evil Queen was too occupied with her vanity, so they revolted and started their own kingdom. A shame though, that her looks were more important than her kingdom. She certainly is a beautiful woman and there is perhaps only one more fair than she. But Snow White was the leader of the revolution. She had been hiding away in the woods for many years with seven men and hadn't she had to find food? And shelter? And fight off robbers which the woods are full of? Yes. She had.

Snow White showed up at the palace wearing nothing but a plain white dress and shoes. She had already told the castle dwellers her plan. It was quite simple actually; destroy all mirrors in the castle then leave. Of course it took a bit of explaining from her when they discovered she wasn't dead, but her story made too much sense to not be true. The plan was executed well and the new kingdom was created. The Evil Queen was jailed and the kingdom is still existing somewhere in the world."

The little girls wearing tutus and tiaras just sat on the library carpet with their jaws open once I finished my story. I smiled at them.

"Did you like it?" I asked them.

"Yes! Can you come again and tell us another story?!" Erin asked.

"Of course!" I laughed.

"Yay!" all the girls squealed as their mothers and fathers came in to pick them up from their field trip to the public library.

"Good-bye!" I wave and turn around to start cleaning up around the room.

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