Imagine #9: Complicated [AU]

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This is going to be a very long imagine. I had the idea but it can't be fit into any of my stories and I can't build a whole novel around it. Hope you enjoy.

Love ya!


"It's been about ten years since I married Louis. He's been so busy at work, but he's sometimes there.

When I got pregnant, the first time, he was drunk when I told him. I told him when I was about four months pregnant. He was gone so much, he didn't notice how I was getting fatter. He was so happy. Especially when he knew it was a boy. He promised to stop drinking and he promised to lay off work for a while. We are billionaires anyways. He doesn't have to work. We have enough money.

Later, we were at a party and he had been clean for about two weeks. His colleague came and told him to join him for a drink of some expensive wine that he had brought with him.

"Hey, Louis, why don't you come join me for a drink. I got a bottle of your favorite Wine." Harry, Louis's partner, says.

"No thanks, Harold. I'd rather not." Louis says, wrapping an arm around my waist.

We still haven't told anyone that I'm pregnant yet.

"Come on, Louis." He says.

"Harry, I said no." Louis says.

"Just one glass."


"Yeah. That's the Louis I know."

"Louis-" I start.

"You know Harry. He wouldn't leave me alone. It'll only be one glass." He says.

"You don't know how to control yourself yet. The doctor said the first six months-"

"One glass won't matter." He says and leaves.

I sigh and sit down in our table.

"Hello, [Y/N]." Hillary, Louis's bitch of a secretary, says with an evil smirk.

"What do you want, Hillary?" I ask.

"Your husband." She says.

"Yeah. Like he'd ever look at you."

"Oh. He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"We kissed."


"I guess you're not satisfying him enough at home. When I leaned in to kiss him, he didn't mind. He even carried me to the desk. It was only when I went to lock the door that he, unfortunately, remembered you."

"You're such a liar, you know that? Louis has had a problem with his spine ever since he was fifteen because of an accident. He couldn't carry you."

"Really? Cause it was like he was carrying a feather. I guess when you want something, you're willing to push your limits. I can't believe he'd risk breaking his back just to have sex with me."

"Bitch!" I say before storming out of the hall and onto the street.

I then took a taxi home. Louis came home around dawn. He was drunk. As I guessed would happen. We had a fight.

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