Imagine #2: Knocked Up

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"Ok. I'll be on my way." Louis says as he runs his hands through his hair then hangs up.

"What's wrong?" I ask as he huffs and throws himself back on the bed again.

"Management wants me. Something about an interview about the break. Why are they making such a big deal about it, it's just a break and we're coming back."

"Come here," I say and he lays his head on my chest while placing a hand on my nine month old belly, "the fans are afraid. Zayn left no longer than nine months ago. They're paranoid that this is the end of One Direction. We know it's not, and no matter how many times you tell them, they will always be paranoid."

"How are you like this, (Y/N)? You're amazing and you understand the fans so well. How do you do that while you manage being pregnant?" He asks looking up at me with such emotion in his eyes, I feel like I could melt any second now.

"Well... There was a time when I used to feel that paranoia. No longer than seven months ago I was so paranoid and felt the same way."

"What? Why?"

"Well... I never told you, but, there was a time when I felt like you'll leave me after finding out about the baby. I lived in that paranoia for about a month, until it was time for the first heartbeat hearing and I just couldn't do it alone. I needed you there, that was what pushed me to tell you and I found out that I was completely wrong. You were excited, and we got married. I was just paranoid."

"Of course I'd never leave you in such a situation. You don't know how excited I am for our little miracle, (Y/N). I'm sure this baby will be either as beautiful as its mother, or as handsome as its father." He says, caressing my cheek with one hand and the other, rubbing my stomach.

I then feel a bit of pain as the baby kicks. We chose to be surprised, we don't want to know the gender.

"Someone's excited." I smile as he feels the kicks too.

He smiles and pecks my lips.

"Now, go. I don't want to hold you back from management." I say.

"But... I don't want to leave." He pouts.

"I don't want you to either, but, I also would like you to keep living your dreams, so, go." I say and peck his lips.

"I love you, (Y/N)." He says before kissing me again.

"I love you more, Lou. Now, go before I change my mind and make you stay here with me on bed rest." I say.

He chuckles as he gets up and puts his shoes on.

"Bye, love." He says after kissing my forehead.

"Bye, baby." He says as he kisses my belly.

I giggle as the baby kicks and I peck his lips.

"Bye." I say.

"No funny business while I'm gone." He says as he reaches the room door.

"It's not like I'm going to give birth while you're gone. My only companion is Netflix." I say.

He chuckles and waves as he leaves the room.

"Bye, my love." I say before he leaves.

How am I so lucky to have Louis in my life.

(Louis's POV)

It's been two hours into this meeting and I'm already bored. I already tuned whoever's talking's voice out. I just want to go home and spend my last days as a non-father with (Y/N).

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