Imagine#8: My Ex (AU)

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I can't believe it. Today is the day. I-I'm getting married.

"Hey sis. Why aren't you dressed yet?" My brother comes in.

I'm wearing only my robe.

"When are the makeup guys coming?" I ask.

"In about a few minutes. What's wrong? You look down. It's your wedding day!"

"I know. I've been dreaming about this day since forever. I'm happy I'm getting married, but..." I stopped because I started crying.

"Hey, [Y/N], it's ok." He says, hugging me.

"I always imagined it would be him, Caleb. Whenever I pictured my wedding it was always Louis." I sob.

"I know, honey, I know. But, what are we gonna do? You're marrying Harry today. You're going to turn from Ms. [Y/LN] to Mrs. Styles. The wife of one of the biggest billionaires in England."

"I don't care about the money. I want to marry Louis."

A knock on the door then interrupts us. I wipe my tears and open to find Harry. Still not dressed.

"Hello, Love. What's wrong? Were you crying?" He asks with a concerned look.

"Hey. I'm fine. Nerves I guess." I fake smile a bit.

"Come here." He says and hugs me tightly.

I relax a bit, but still, his hugs don't calm me down like Louis's.

"I just came to tell you something. I know I can't enter cause I can't see the dress, so I'll just say it. I know you don't like surprises, but I got you one that I'm sure you'll love. It's at the ceremony. I guess, all I wanna says is that I really love you, (Y/N). I know our parents set us up, but I found myself falling in love with you. I just want to make you happy." He says.

I hug him and kiss his cheek before he pecks my lips. He then looks at me with a weird look before cupping my face and kissing me passionately. Kissing me like it was the last time he will ever be able to. I kiss him back but not as passionate. He then pulls away slowly before looking at me like he's saying goodbye and leaves.

I go back in and couldn't help but start crying.

"I hate doing this. I hate pretending to love him." I sob.

"It's for your own sake. Don't you like him?" Caleb asks.

"He's sweet and he takes care of me. But, I'm in love with Louis."

"You can't control fate, love."

"Why does fate make two people meet and fall in love if they're not meant to be together?"

"I don't know."

"Do you think he'll come?"

"Does he even know?"

"You made it international news. It was on TV. '[Y/N] [Y/LN] is getting married.'"

"Everything will be ok in the end. If it isn't then it's not the end. Now, go wash your face cause the make up will be here any minute."


The doors open as the piano starts playing "Here comes the bride". I look down as Caleb engages our arms and we start walking down the isle. I can't get myself to look up. If I look up, I'll have to fake a smile to everyone. I'll have to lie to every person in the room.

I hear people whisper how beautiful I look and how cute we both look together. At the end I go up and fake a smile, still never looking up. Just as hands touch mine, I feel a huge spark. I look up in shock before a hug smile spreads across my face and my eyes fill with tears.

"Surprise." He says.

"Louis." I say as I start crying and pulling him into a tight hug.

He holds me tightly and kisses my shoulder.

"I love you, [Y/N]." He says as I pull away.

"You're here. You're-You're-"

"Your groom."

"Can I be excused for a moment?" I ask before going down to the best man, who just happens to be Harry.

"Surprise." He says.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." I say and hug him.

"What's better than seeing a loved one happy?"

I smile and sniffle before going up and standing at my side. Louis holds my hands and the priest starts. When it's time to say the vows, I call Caleb.

"Yes?" He says.

"My room, under my pillow, is my diary. Get it." I say.

He nods and runs.

"I have always imagined this day with you, Louis. I even wrote my vows and kept them in my diary ever since." I start.

"I know, [Y/N]. You read them to me that summer, when we had that surfing accident and you thought you were going to be gone." He says, a tear falling down his face.

He then gets a paper out of his pocket and starts saying his vows. In the middle, Caleb came back with my diary. I take out the vows and give him back the diary.

After Louis finishes, I start.

"Yours, that's what I am. Mine, that's what I want you to be. I have always and will always love you, Louis. You are my love. With my everything, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your drink. With this light, I will shine a way for you out of the darkness. With this ring, I ask of you to be mine. Till death do us apart. Even in the heavens, I will forever be yours."

By the time I'm done, Louis's tears are streaming down his face as he looks at me with such a love. I never want to look away.

"Do you, Louis William Tomlinson, take [Y/N] to be your lawfully wedded wife. Through health and sickness, through love and loss, till death do you apart?" The priest asks.

"I do." Louis says.

"And do you, [Y/N] [Y/MN] [Y/LN], take Louis to be your lawfully wedded husband. Through health and sickness, through love and loss, till death do you apart?"

"I do." I say, never taking my eyes off of Louis's.

"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss th-"

The priest is interrupted by Louis pulling me into him, making me fall in his arm, and kissing me.

"That is the story of how your father and I got married without me knowing." I say.

Little Isabella smiles in my arms.

"Did she sleep yet?" Louis asks coming in.

"Nope. But, I just told her the story of our wedding and she smiled." I say and continue to rock our little four month old baby girl.

"I love that story." Louis says, placing his arms on top of mine from behind.

"It's my personal favorite." I smile as I lay my head back on his shoulder.

"You're my personal favorite." He says before pecking my lips.

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