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There once was a girl named Katrina. She decided to live on Mars. When Katrina got to Mars, she conquered it and started singing "I'm the queen of Mars." But then one foggy day on the planet of Mars, the ruler of the Sun decided he wanted to conquer Mars. His name was Jackred. Before I can continue this story, you need to know more about Jackred. Let's start from the beginning.
Jackred first lived on the planet Earth. He lived in Ireland far away from the whole world. He hated that he kept to himself his whole life, but that wasn't one hundred percent true. He had a pet cow named Corn. Besides, he didn't have a choice, there was no one else who lived in Ireland.
Then one day Corn gave birth to a goat. Jackred was very confused. "I thought you were a cow! You lied to me!" He yelled in his Irish accent. He took out his pocket knife and killed Corn. "Aye, that will tell you not to mess with the wrong leprechaun!"
From then on he talked to the goat and named him Sunny Beach. One day Sunny Beach went missing. "SUNNY BEACH!" He yelled through his Irish accent, but he was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, Jackred saw something shiny. He followed the glittering shine. "Aye, me! What is this?" His mouth dropped. It was a pot of gold. He dumped out the gold and placed the pot back on the ground, "This will come in handy," he said taking off his pants. Right when he was about to put his bare bottom into the pot, a rainbow appeared in the sky, and to Jackred's disbelief he saw a unicorn flying in the sky. "It's an allicorn you dumb (this word has been bleeped out due to foul language)."
The allicorn came closer and closer towards Jackred. When the allicorn was a few feet away Jackred screamed out, "Sunny Beach!"
"It is I," Sunny Beach replied.
"You look different," Jackred points out.
"Ever since I was born I have always been an allicorn, this is because my mother was your ally and you named her Corn," Sunny Beach explains.
"Oh that makes sense! I get it now! Get down here and fly me to the big yellow ball in the sky. I'm going to conquer it."
"Sure, not a problem!" Sunny Beach flew to Jackred, and Jackred jumped on the back.
In two seconds, Sunny Beach and Jackred had arrived at the Big Yellow Ball in The Sky. Jackred jumped off of the horse, and onto the Big Yellow Ball in The Sky. Sunny Beach gasped, "You can stand on it without dying! That wasn't supposed to happen!"
"Wow, You know what that means? The Big Yellow Ball in the Sky wants me as ruler!" Jackred took out his pocket knife and chopped off Sunny Beach's hair, then laid it on the the Big Yellow Ball in The Sky.
"What else was I supposed to do with it, for goodness sake, you act like you're a woman sometimes, and we both know that's not true. Me more than anyone else."
"It's actually called The Big Yellow Ball in The Sky, but same concept."
"I AM DONE WITH YOU!" Sunny Beach threw himself into the sun, and immediately melted along with the chopped off hair.
"Oh no! Sunny Beach! You've been infected by me awesomeness. I'm so sorry, I never knew I had it so strong. I would cry, but I never cry. However, I will name The Big Yellow Ball in The Sky over you. I will name it...... Sun!"
"Also, I name myself Conquerer and Ruler of the Sun!"


Hey peeps. So this is the end of my short prologue. If you like this story then go ahead and vote and keep on the lookout for a new chapter coming soon!

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