First New Friend

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Naruto P.O.V

When I entered the classroom there was one person in there and that person wasn't even the teacher.

"Hey where is everybody?" I asked him.

"The teacher doesn't come too class early so neither does most of the students." He replied, I stared at him and admittedly he was kind of cute.

"Oh, are any of these seats taken then?" I asked him. He said they're all taken except the one behind him. I smiled and advanced towards the free seat.

"Today must be my lucky day." I thought.

"My name is Naruto Naruto Uzumaki" I offered him a hand shake and he shook it with a wide toothy grin.

"My name is Kiba Inuzuka, you must be new here?" He asked.

"Yeah my best friend and I registered today" I replied.

"Oh! So that means I have two new friends, great I can't wait to introduce you guys to my friends." He smiled.

"Oh wow thanks! Her name is Sakura and I speak for both of us when I say we can't wait to meet them too, your actually really friendly Kiba" I smiled.

"Thanks I get that a lot, you're pretty cool too." He said with another grin. "

"So what do-" I tried, but was cut off due to the other students running in here like they've seen a ghost.

They all settled down and stared at the door, when it opened up a woman with short purple hair and a really short black minidress walked in and proceeded to teach the class as if she was early.

After class was over I was convinced she had mental issues, but I choose to ignore that and took out my schedule to see what I had next but I had no idea where the room was, I stood there looking like a confused puppy.

Kiba P.O.V

When I walked out the classroom I saw Naruto standing in the hall with a confused look on he's face, so I decided to see what was wrong.

"I can't find the room for my next class." He explained while looking around frantically.

I asked him too see his schedule and it turns out his next class is the class I'm heading to now.

"Naruto, you're next class is with me just follow me and you'll be fine, actually most of these classes are the ones I'm in, looks like we're gonna be sitting buddies." I smiled.

He nodded his head and grabbed my hand saying "Let's get to class sitting buddy."

I laughed and leaded the way to our next class. When we got there, there were only two empty seats.

Naruto P.O.V

Kiba and I sat at the two empty seats, and to my disbelief the teacher was not here.

"Where's the teacher?" I asked Kiba.

"He doesn't get here till everyone else is here" Kiba replied plainly.

I looked at him my face showing all signs of confusion.

"Yeah I know this schools sluggish, we basically teach ourselves." He said.

"Wow..."I replied.

A man with silver hair walked in and announced "Alright class settle down and let's begin."

I wondered if these teachers didn't see me, but as if on cue the silver haired man turned around looked at me and said" It seems we have a new student in our class my name is Mr. Hatake,Welcome Mr..."

"Uzumaki, Naruto Uzumaki" I said answering him nervously, my voice even cracked. I quickly put my head down to hide my embarrassment. Kiba asked me if I was okay I nodded and he padded my head so it'll be alright.

Class was amazing I think it was the best Chemistry class I've been in, that teacher definitely knows what he's doing, Kiba and I walked out together laughing like a pack of hyenas on laughing gas, when we were done he told me to get Sakura and meet him at the cafeteria. I said okay and ran down hall to go find Sakura to meet our new friends.

I'm so excited.


A/N I'm typing a lot but when I read it, it's short as'f. But I like it 😂😂 I've never made it this far I swear I'm proud of myself * rub my own back* Yass 😍😍 Onto the next story

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