Roxy is On Fire

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"Remember your paper is due next week so get on it!" The bell rang ,and I met up with Ashton while Calum went to a student council meeting. "So how was history?" "Ugh don't get me started. Maria was feeling all over Luke, it was gross ,but the new girl is in our class. Luke tried to talk to her ,but she didn't even pay attention to him. I feel like she will be one of us."

"If she is you better ask her to sit with us. Preferably now cause she is walking towards us." "Hey!" Roxy waved at the both of us. "Hey Roxy!" "Sorry if this is random but can I sit with you guys at lunch?" "Sure that's ok. I'll pick you up from your next class." "What is it anyways Rox?" "Don't call me that and dance."

"I have that so I will be escorting you to lunch and dance madam." I bowed to her. She smiled at me. "Well I'm gonna go see Cammie, it's her free period." Ashton left Roxy and I alone.

"We should get to dance." I led her to the dance studio. The one place that I really belong. "Don't be afraid of Ms. Tanya. She can be intimidating ,but she's like a mom when you know her more. Ms. Tanya! We have a new student." "Hi my new student how are you?" She squished Roxy's face. "I'm good." Her face was really adorable like that. Wait what am I thinking.

She let go of Roxy's face and started to put some music on. "Roxy can you show us some moves please." "Yes ma'am." She put her bag down and started to get in position.

 "Alright Roxy! Can I see you after class?" "Um sure?" "Great! Now we are gonna go over the routine again ,so Roxy can learn with us

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"Alright Roxy! Can I see you after class?" "Um sure?" "Great! Now we are gonna go over the routine again ,so Roxy can learn with us. Five, six, seven, eight!"

"Roxy you are on fire girl!" The door opened and closed. "Sorry Ms. Tanya that I'm late." "Maria I told you to stop coming to class late. Next time it happens, you will be off the team." "I'm the captain who's gonna replace me." "I have a person in mind." She looked over at Roxy.

"Now Maria we were all trying to learn the new dance routine before you came in. Can you show us how it's done?"

She scoffed, "I got this." The music blasted through the studio as she started dancing. She was pretty good ,but not as good as Roxy.

For the next hour, everyone tried to learn the dance routine. Before we knew it, it was lunch. Everyone exited except for Roxy and I. "Roxy, Roxy, Roxy. You are a professional. Would you like to join the dance team? Tessa can help you adapt ,but I'll think you'll fit in just fine."

"Ms. Tanya how could I say no." She smiled. "Great! Practice is Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday every week at three. And since today is Thursday, I hope to see you there."

"I can't believe you are on the dance team with me!" "This is a dream come true! I didn't know I was really that good." "Girl, you are way better than Maria and she's the captain."

We talked about dance while walking to the cafeteria and in line too. "Hey Tessa!" Calum waved us over. "Hey guys. This is Roxy. Roxy, this is Calum, Ashton, and Cammie." "Hey." They all replied. "Guess what Cam, Roxy is officially on the dance team!" "Oh snap we gonna have even more fun now."

"Sorry to be off topic but have you guys seen a tall white guy with really colorful hair? His name is Michael. "You mean him?" Cammie pointed to Michael across the room. "I saw him in free period today. Luke was talking to him."

We saw him sitting with Luke, Maria, and some other jocks. "Yeah that's him." "I don't think that's a good idea to sit with them. They are assholes."

"Hey what's Cody doing behind him." Ashton started to stand up. Cody poured chocolate milk on Michael's head while Jay dumped his lunch on him. Everyone in the cafeteria started to laugh except us.

Roxy got out from her seat and went over to Cody and Jay. She shoved them. "What the hell is wrong with you! That's my brother!" "Well that sucks he's your brother." They laughed even more. Michael got up and left while Roxy followed him.

"I'm gonna give them a piece of my mind. Come on Calum." "Me?" "Yes let's go." We both walked up to them. "Hey jerk why did you do that?" Cody looked at me and turned away. "Cody I have something for you." Calum told Cody. When he turned, Calum punched him square in the nose. Cody stumbled back feeling his nose and seeing it was bleeding.

"Calum lets go find Roxy and Michael go go." Before Cody could strike back, we ran into the hallway to find Roxy and Michael. They were sitting together at the end talking. "Hey Michael you ok?" "Yeah. I can't believe I sat with them. They're jerks."

"If it makes you feel any better Calum punched Cody in the nose." He smiled, "thanks." Cammie and Ashton came running down the hall. "Is everyone good because when I saw Calum punch Cody, I thought Calum would be dead for sure. Plus he deserves it so."

All six of us sat by the lockers just talking about whatever. The bell rang and it was time for chemistry with Cammie, Luke, and now Michael.

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