The Forest

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Your POV-

I woke up to the car stopping. It was around 3am. We pulled up to a beginning of a pathway. Though this path seems to just end. "Tord where are you going?"

"This is the base."

"Tord this is just a forest."

"No, it's a cloaking mechanism that I created."


"Heh. Come, on. Let's go." He says getting out of the car.

Oh. My. Gosh. I forgot about Tom. "TORD WE NEED TO FIND TOM!"

"(Y/N) we'll do it later..."



"TORD PLEASE!" Your tearing up again.

"Look Tom is a trap right now. I can send my troops to get him alright?"

"NO! I need to find him! I have too!" Your crying. It's official, your crying.

"(Y/N) I'm not going to loose you to the Yellow Leader. He'll make you his partner, slave, or just torture you. Just to mess with me. Alright? Let me send some tro-"

"Tord. I need to find him."

He sighs. "Can we just settle down for a bit? I'm tired from driving..."


Toms POV

"So, Tom. Correct?"

Stay silent, stay silent, stay silent!

"Your sister has caused a lot of trouble for us lately."

Wait what? Why is she part of... Oh.

"I see trying to play it quiet, huh? You'll talk eventually. Every prisoner does."  The man says as he punched me. "Hurts doesn't it."

He laughs and walks away. It hurts, so, so much it hurts. I think he broke my nose. What does he want with her? Tord I can understand but (Y/N)? That makes no sense...

Your POV-

We walked into the "forest" and disappeared into a village of tents. "Get rid of the car." Tord directs a soldier. "Sir, yes sir!" He replied. Tord leads me to the largest tent, which I'm assuming is his.

"So this is where we are staying... Well make yourself comfortable..."

I sit down on a sleeping bag. Surprisingly it's comfy. Which is strange, it's in the grass... Oh well. As I lay down, Tord exits the tent. "Took you two long enough." Looks like Patryk and Paul are alright. Although how did they get here? Meh doesn't matter I guess, as long as there safe. I soon enter dream land, hopefully I won't have another Tom nightmare...

"Tord?!" I yell. "Tord please where are you?" Everyone around me is... Dead... Paul, Patryk, and all of the soldiers. Yet Tords no where to be found. I'm dressed in the Red Army uniform. Honestly I'm terrified. "TORD!" I scream. My face is wet with tears, my cloths are covered in blood. I fall on to both knees, unsure of what to do. "T-Tord?" I whimper.

"Tord?!" I yell sitting up. Jeez didn't mean to do that. "Hey, hey, hey! (Y/N) I'm here, Im here! Don't worry it's okay! It was just a dream alright?"

"Tord you were gone, everyone was dead..."

"I would never leave you. Never okay? And my men wouldn't be dead. They're to well trained for death."

"Sir is everything alright?" A young boy asks. He looks to be 15. "Yes everything's fine." Tord replies.

"Sorry... Didn't mean to wake you..." I say.

"No, it's alright. It happens often to be honest." The boy turns to leave.

"Tord, what if I cause everything to crumble?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm unstable Tord... What if I hurt everyone here? What If I-"

Tord kisses you. "Look at me." He demands. "You would never hurt me. Correct?"

"Tord I hurt you before..."

"But that was my fault for testing you. Alright? Don't you ever doubt yourself."

This Tord is nothing like the news says he is. The news says he would kill anything in his path. Honestly he walks like he's a god, commanding everyone to do everything for him. And yet this god who's full of himself fell in love with an mentally unstable me... Somethings not right though. It's almost to good to be true...

Yo this is the last chapter I'm posting TONIGHT... I'm tired, need sleep, and can't handle my thumbs being attacked by this kitten anymore today so, have fun! BYEEEEEE!

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