36. Cancelled Sleepover

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, the shouts and cursing had stopped, making the house eerily quiet. I stopped shuffling around, trying to hear what was happening. But only the sounds of footsteps were pattering down the hallway, outside of the room.

I turned my body towards the door, watching as the door handle twisted open. Jamie walked in, slamming her back against the door as she enters her room. Her face was flushed bright red, and tears stung her eyes. Her muscles were flexed, along with her knuckles and jaw clenched. I gulped in fearsome, as her eyes met mine, awaiting for something to break the eerie silence that filled the air.

"You have to leave". Jamie says in almost a whisper. She shifted her gaze to the floor beneath her feet. "Like right now".

I nodded my head, already knowing that that was about to happen.

She looks up at me again, with a tear rolling down her face. "I'm sorry. I always screw things up". Her voice cracks as she finishes her sentence, and all she can do is break into tears.

I walked towards her, pulling her body into my welcoming arms. I hate watching people cry. Especially someone I love. All I could do was comfort her.

I had nothing to say, besides saying I told you so. If she would've listened, she wouldn't be in this mess.

I released her from my grip, walking back towards my luggage.

So much for a sleepover.

"I'm sorry Ali". Jamie apologized again. "It's all my f-"

"It's fine". I tell her, coming up to her side, and patting her back. "I'll see you later".

I left her room, and walked back down the staircase with my suitcase in my hand.

Her parents were now in the kitchen, bickering at each other in a language I couldn't understand. I quickly walked past them, not wanting to catch their attention. It was kind of stupid. I mean, why would they make me leave at eleven o'clock at night for a mistake Jamie made? I didn't understand. I had no other option then to bus home, or call someone for a ride.

Would Cameron mind if I called him up at this time? What if he's mad at me? I'm sure he wouldn't want to come and get me. I mean, I was being a little bitch to him for the past day.

I exited Jamie's house, quickly making my way down the street, towards the park.

The chilly night air began to get to me, causing goosebumps to rise from my skin. A shiver ran up my body, causing my teeth to chatter.

The park wasn't that far from where Jamie lived, and I was there in a matter of thirty seconds. I plopped my body on a nearby bench, then reaching into my suitcase and pulling out a hoodie. I slipped it over my head, sliding my arms into its arm slots.

I wish I didn't leave Cameron earlier this morning. I was over reacting now that I think about it. I felt terribly bad. First off, running away from him into a dark ally. Then, letting Thomas beat him up, as I watched him suffer from multiple punches. Thirdly, ditching him the morning after, and driving away with my best friend who he strongly dislikes. Talk about bitchy. I wanted to slap myself across the face for treating him like shit. I was a horrible friend.

I could feel tears creep to my eyes, from how guilty I feel.

I fished into my pocket, in search for my phone. I cradled it in my hand as I checked the time. Then, frowning as my eyes landed on my background picture that displayed itself across the screen. It was a picture of Cameron and I, at the beach. The day Cameron had brought a selfie stick and wanted to try it out. We were sitting on the jetty, side by side as we slurped on our blueberry slushies. I smiled at the photograph, as memories filtered through my mind. Then began to frown again, as my phone turned off, welcoming me back into reality.

I lifted my face, letting my eyes scan the scenery around me. I've never seen the park so quiet before. It was always so busy, with people walking in and out with their children and dogs. It was nothing but the dark cluster of trees and black silhouettes of the children's playground at this time of night. In fact, it was really creepy.

I turned my phone on again, this time opening up my calling app. I'd hate to call someone at this time, but I have no other choice. I didn't want to bus back nor walk. Lazy me.

After finding Cameron's name, and hesitantly hovering my thumb above his contact, I finally dialled his number.

It felt like forever as he picked up on the last ring. His sleepy voice slurred out a hello.

"Hello?" He asks, obvious to know that he was currently sleeping.

I stuttered for a brief second, in search for something to say. "Cameron". I mumble, fiddling with my fingers.

"Ali?" He questions, as I hear shuffling on his line.

"I'd hate to ask, and you probably hate me right now, but... would mind picking me up?"



It was silent for another second, besides his breathing that was clearly audible from his line.

"You know I don't hate you". He says quietly.

Even though it sounds like a lie, I could feel a huge relief being lifted off of my shoulders.

"And what do you mean pick you up? Aren't you at Jamie's?" He asks curiously.

"Not anymore. She got busted by her parents and I couldn't stay there. I had to leave. I'm sitting on a park bench in the dark right now".

I could hear more shuffling through the phone, and it was pretty obvious he was getting dressed.

"Where are you?" He then asks.

"The park across from Jamie's house". I answer.

"Got it". He replies.

Through the phone, I could hear him getting into his car and starting the ignition up.

"Sit tight baby girl, I'll be there in ten".

And he just called me baby girl.


I haven't posted in a month and I apologize! I just finished a three week training course and I had absolutely no time for writing or updating!

Im crying guys because I start school in two days !!! :*(
Like where the heck did summer go?!

Ps this chapter probably really sucks, so I'm double sorry. But show it some love anyways bc it needs it.

Pls vote & comment. :)

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