Avi glanced at them in the rear view mirror, grinning at how cute they were, before looking back to the road to find the specific store he needed.


When they'd arrived back home, Kevin had just put Grace down to sleep, while the house now seemed quiet.

Kevin walked out of Grace's room and smiled at Avi. "Welcome back. Things have calmed down now."

"Where is everyone?"

"Jake and Travis are in Alex's room, and Todrick is upstairs. Would it be alright if Travis spent a night here? He said he'd rather go home in the morning, to be sure Jake is okay."

Avi shrugged, tossing his keys onto the table before closing the front door. "I don't mind."

Alex was about to head down the hall, but he stopped and turned to Kevin. "Can I come upstairs with you to say goodnight to Toddy?"

Kevin nodded, turning a little to gesture for Alex to head upstairs.

Avi grabbed Kirstie's hand to hold. "We'll see you in the morning, Kev. Thanks for watching Grace."

"You're welcome, Sir. Sweet dreams to the both of you." He turned to hurry after Alex, before slowly walking into his own bedroom behind the tall Omega.

Todrick had pulled the covers over his head, but the instant Alex laid down beside him, Todrick knew who it was.

He pulled the blankets away from his head, and grinned. "Hi, Allie."

Alex didn't smile back, but instead grabbed one of Todrick's hands to hold. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Jake and I got into a small argument about something stupid. It's fine."

Alex's frown deepened at the mention of Jake. "You two never did get along very well."

Todrick just shrugged. "I guess not."

Kevin spoke up from the corner of the room, where he was changing his shirt into something he could sleep in. "Alex, maybe you should go check on your Alphas. They could probably use some of your optimism."

Alex nodded, standing from the bed. "Goodnight, Toddy. I love you."

"I love you too, honey."

On his way out, Alex waved at Kevin too. "Night night."

He heard a small mumble in response, as he trudged down the stairs and hurried down the hall to find Jake.

Alex was stopped by Wyatt, kneeling down a little to allow the cat to jump into his arms.

When he stood, Wyatt clung to his shirt to climb up and get himself situation on top of Alex's shoulder.

He hesitated a moment, before he knocked on his own door.

Travis called to him after a moment, having sensed who was at the door. "Alex, you don't have to knock. Don't be silly."

Alex smiled a little, opening the door and walking into the room, the sight he got making him smile a little wider.

Travis was laying in the middle of the bed, Jake attached to his side with his head on Travis' chest and his arm across Travis' stomach.

Travis grinned at him. "Come here, Lexi."

Alex hurried over, setting Wyatt back on the ground, before he climbed into the bed next to Travis.

Travis kissed his forehead, before turning back. "How are you holding up, Jake?"

The Alpha And The Omega 4Where stories live. Discover now