Chapter 6

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Camila opened the door to her house and we walked inside I set my backpack down and took off my shoes.

"Mi casa es tú casa" she spoke fluently.

"My house-."

"Is your house" I finished the sentence cutting her off.

"I speak Spanish Camila" I said.

"I'm surprised same here... come see my room" she said joyfully running up the front stairs after setting down her things.

I followed her into her room it was cute, it had a bed, bathroom, a desk with a small computer, and a poster of a wolf on her wall.

Out of curiosity I asked,"you like wolves?"

"Yep they are pretty neat looking."

"Yea I agree they are pretty cool." I said smiling looking into her eyes.

"So what can we do for a hour in the Cabello household?" I questioned.

"We can go watch a movie downstairs in the living room if you want?"She suggested.

"Sure sounds good."

We went downstairs and I sat on the couch while she put in the movie twilight I laughed when I saw the movie cover.

"What you don't like twilight do you?"

"Don't worry I love it" I told her.


Camila then ran over to me and sat right next to me she rested her head on my shoulder for a while.

Then a few minutes into the movie she looked up at me and asked,"how's that girl?"

I laughed I knew what she was talking about but I played along,"what girl?"

"That girl you like?" She stated.

I looked her into her eyes then I found myself leaning toward and then kissed her cheek softly.

"I don't know I kissed her cheek today" I said blushing.

"well if your lucky you'll get a kiss by the end of the night Jauregui."

I smiled looking into her eyes getting lost quickly zoning out. She turned to watch the movie again but this time she snuggled closer to me. I then put my arm around her snuggling in closer.

"Your really warm I could fall asleep." She said smiling.

We continued watching the movie in front of us her hand was resting on her lap and she reached over to my hand that wasn't my arm wrapped around her. She locked our fingers together and I started rubbing her hand softly with my thumb. The movie finished and she didn't move a muscle after the credits were over.

"I hate to say this but I should head home." I told the dark brown haired girl that was snuggled into me.

"Noo I like having you here Lauren" She complained.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow it's not the end of the world Camila."

I lifted my arm off of her and slowly got up. I grabbed my backpack and shoes by the door I stopped when I felt arms snake around my waist.

Wolf Harmony •Camren•Where stories live. Discover now