


"Really, none of those? Ok, Adam?"


"Huh, I've run out of ideas. Killian?"










"Ok... Shot int he dark, but what about Echo?"


"Haha. Haha. Haha."

"You said to say a random word."

"Yeah, but 'pomegranate'?"

"It was the first thing that came into my head."


"I think so."

"No, not the word. The fact that Echo taught you how to play Poker."

"THe girl may only be seventeen, but she's lethal in every way. Never play Poker against her. It'll end in diaster for you."

"Intriguing. I think I may have to challenge her toa  game when we're in Dublin next month."

"I'm not joking when I say she's really good. The girl will take you for ever penny in your bank account and then demand the shirt off your back. Don't play against her."

"But it's so tempting."

"Well, you can't say I didn't warn you."

"I think I can handle Echo."

"Haha, said no one. Ever."

"She's not all that bad. I think under that tought girl exterior, she's kinda nice."

"Under that tough girl exterior is an unemotional robot."

"Be nice."

"I was being nice. I could have said a lot worse."

"People must love being related to you."

"What's not to love aout me?!"


"Good boy in not answering that question."

"I thought so, too."

"Oh, fuck a duck!"

"No thanks. That's highly illegal."

"Shut up. -Jasmine!- I forgot to get Echo's dress for the party this weekend."

"Ah, her punishment party."


<<Yeah, Boss?>>

"-Call Nigel and ask him to meet us down in Wardrobe. I need his keen eye.-"

<<Ok. Anything else?>>

"-Oh, an ice lolly would be great.-"

<<I'm not getting you an ice lolly.>>

"-You're my PA, Jasmine.-"

<<And as yur PA, I'm saying that you're not having an ice lolly.>>

"-You're just pissed off that I beat you at Poker.-"

<<You cheated.>>

"-I vehemently deny that accusation.-"

"I second what Jasmine said."

"Oh, shur up, Daniel. No one asked for yur opinion."

<<You know, I'm starting to like that fiancé of yours even more.>>

"-Go away, Jasmine.- Go away, Daniel."

"You love me."

"That's beside the point."

"It's a fact."

"I'm going now."

"Mhm. Love you, Soph."


"Go on, you knwo you want to say it back to me."



"Bollocks. I love you, too!"

"I know."

"Now, go away."

"As you wish."

"You did not jsut quote The Princess Bride!"

"Sorry, I have to go. I've had my marching rders to 'go away.'"

"I hate you."


[Call ended.]


&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now