"Why are the werewolves throwing a party anyway."I asked, throwing the cloths on the bed and getting a towel

"Well actually it was Micheal's, Luke's and Liam's idea they decided that the Triad needed a break."said Kie

"So basically we're going to get drunk and party and act like nothing happened. " I say looking at Kie

"Some of us just need to get drunk until we forget." he says look down I could hear the sadness in his voice and I could still remember the sound of him crying in his sleep over the lost of his mother.

"So how are your brothers and sister" I asked to break the silence

"As well as they could be, they're the ones that are going to be protecting the crystal at the major mana hotspots in town to make sure no one slips threw and some wolves and vamps are going to protect the other spots while everyone else goes to the party"said Kie sounding a little depressed.

"Oh well do you want to take a shower with me? I bet you'll feel better by the end." Kie started to get really close to me and he looked lustful.

"As fun as shower sex sounds I have to go home and get changed." he said as he got off of me that little tease he got me hot and bothered for no reason.

"Well do you need a ride home." I ask giving him a kiss and walking towards the bathroom.

"No I have my own way."he said as he walked over to the wall and open a blue swirling portal.

" I'll see you at the party" he says before walking through the portal.

_____________________________________________________________ TIME Skip...................................................................................... _____________________________________________________________

Pov Kie

I walked in to the pack house and it was crowded. But the dance floor was mostly opened up some I guess no one likes dancing. I saw a few of my witches dancing and I joined them and after a while I noticed Bailey and Luke dancing together. They looked like they were having fun Luke must have invite more then the triad he must have invited mortals to the party too. That's when I realized someone was grinding on me I turn around ready to slap a bitch and realized that it was just Calum and Micheal was grinding on him from behind I mind link with Sarah. "I think your boyfriend drunk"I say as I grind back onto Calum and he released what sounds like a per "I see and it looks like Calum likes being in the middle"she says I start to laugh and break apart from the guys. I walk over to the girls I sat with them for a while. We saw the boys talking and they kept smiling towards us we decided to glare at them until they came over. They looked at us with grins on their faces. Luke picked up Bailey and sat down putting her into his lap. I smile at her and she gave me a weak smile back. A smile of sadness but it quickly faded something up with that girl.

"What if we challenged you to a dance battle who ever gets the loudest applause wins a week of complete obedience"said Micheal I smiled at the girl then Lexi spoke.

"Two weeks and we're in" she said all of us agreed with her statement.

"Sure hope ur ready to do whatever I want you to do Lexi." said Ashton

"Whatever"Lexi said as she walked over to the DJs Abby and Lauren to give them a song to play during our performance. I may have made a little plan to make sure we win.

The boys started to dance and seeing how good they where dancing meant they where taking it serious. They must really want to win but they were already out matched. Hopefully Bailey doesn't notice anything. when the boys song ended we started to walk out to the dance floor. When we got there our song started and we danced seductively.

A minute into our dance is when the fun began Sarah started to capture peoples eyes with hers making them fall for us. Then Lexi started to release a low growl that intoxicated the crowd and I bewitched them to make it look like our skin glowed in the light. When our song end everyone screamed in happiness and we looked at the boys in victory

A few hours later......

The party had died down, many people had went home but the whole group was here and a few witches like Liam and a couple others. I saw that everyone was walking toward the door behind Bailey

"Come on she said she had something important to say. " Calum says as we walk out the door

"Okay I swear on everything I told her nothing about us"said Luke

"What's going on." I ask as we look at Bailey she turned to me.

"You have to get to the the east crystal something terrible is going to happen."she says

"What do you mean? how do you know about the crystals?" I ask spaciously

" There's no time I can feel it, the death in the air ,the taste of ash in my mouth and blood on my hands I've had this feeling all day but.." She was about to say but I cut her off.

"You had this feeling all day but your just now saying something. "I scream and tell the other to teleport to the east crystal

Pov third person

When everyone arrived to the east crystal it was already to late. There were burning ash floating in the air and body laid everywhere blood cover everything. But the crystal was still in tact they had defended it with there lives some of them move and stirred

"Teleport the wounded to my house for healing and for those who's injuries are to bad to move start the healing process now."Kia said as he started to turn around and walk away

"Where are you going"Calum yelled out to him

"To have a talk with Bailey. "

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