"Well... nearly everyone is dying to know about..." Jesy's eyes looked to the other two whilst I waited expectantly for an answer.

"You know..." Jesy trailed off again.

"You and Harry," Perrie completed.

Three sets of eyes stared at me, searching for an answer.

"Well I don't know what you guys would possibly want to know-"

"What do you consider yourself to him?" Leigh questioned.

"Victim," I muttered, bringing a cup to my lips.


I looked up and noticed how serious their expressions were. I rolled my eyes, feeling slightly irritated at them. How was it any of their business anyways? I sighed. "Person of interest? I hardly believe he actually remembers I'm his tutor, but whatever."

"And what is he to you?"

I looked directly into Jesy's eyes. I bit my lip and thought the question over.

Harry is hard to describe. I mean sure he's tall, green eyed, good looking, that's undeniable, but what is he to me as a person? A mystery. He was a mystery that popped into my life out of fucking nowhere with his dimples and random moments of intelligence and philosophy.

But was I ready to admit that he had begun to matter?

"Harry... is Harry," I shrugged. I evaded the question, deciding that he was a subject that shouldn't be a subject.

Perrie made a face as there was a silence from me. She suddenly brightened with a subject change.

"Halloween is in a week! Zayn is going to be batman and I'll be cat woman," she dimpled. Her eyes got all sparkly as she thought of her boyfriend.

I smiled. "That's adorable," I nodded.

We all giggled in an agreement.

She blushed. "What are you girls going to be?"

Leigh Anne smirked. "I am going to be a bunny."

"Slut," Jesy muttered.

We laughed as Leigh shoved Jesy. "Fine then all holy, what are you?" Leigh asked.

"I'll be taking a classic turn as a witch," Jesy explained.

"Fitting," Leigh retorted.

The two began to bicker, giving me time to talk with Perrie.

"Pez?" I asked.


I was hesitant to ask such a question, because I basically shut the door in the face of their questions. "When you and Zayn met... I mean... do you believe in love at first sight? I'm sorry I'm not making any sense and I'm losing my mind and confusing myself," I chuckled awkwardly.

She laughed. "No. I don't. I believe in immediate chemistry and attraction, but I don't believe you can just met someone and feel the way about a person the way I've begun feeling about my Zayn."

"So you had an immediate attraction to him?"

She snorted. "Hardly. I was the new freshman and he was that sophomore who liked to pick on me about my age because at the time I was the youngest and smartest kid at this school. Before you came that is," she added with a chuckle. "I hated him but one night I got called about my grandma's death and I just began to cry and... well Zayn was there," she grinned. She looked at me. "I thought I hated him, but ... I just didn't understand him and his obsession with me which made me dislike him."

"So he bullied you?"

She shook her head. But then she cocked her head to the side. "Well I wouldn't call it bullying. He was just... always there."



Anyways, I’m sorry my chapters are getting shorter and boring and this took so long because I had planned to write out the date between Gavin and Jade but then thought better of it because my readers are Jarry fans and I didn't want to scare them away. Plus, 75% of the times the stuff I write is on my ipod and then I edit it with word later on, so . . . whatever.


1) Did you actually want me to write the date? Tell me because next time I’ll include it!

2) Aww. That was Jade’s first date. I mean sort of. I’ll elaborate later. ;) But what did you think?

3) Sleepover time! Zerrie tale sound familiar?? Pesking . . . always there . . . wink wink, nudge nudge ;) ;)

Anyways I want to tell you about my Halloween experience and then you can tell me about yours in the comment section, yeah? Okay, here we go.

So I went to a friend’s house for the first time and in all honesty she was the friend of my friend and we’d seen each other about . . . hmm . . . about 3-4 times (lol) and so I came over and every time we see each other we always act crazy, haha, so immediately we began goofing and she almost killed me as we began walking, like she nearly ran into a garbage can thingy and we almost fell but we just laughed it off and the friend that was in front of us looked behind and was like WTF? And my grandma was in the car following us so she knew where Sage lived and she knew immediately oh Lord Jesus they’re gonna do dumb stuff tonight.

So we got to her house alive and I met another one of her friends who was trying to do her homework like a good girl and immediately we hit it off so then the night progressed and an hour later we were finally done “getting ready” which by the way was so much fun. The one I had just met was being Barbie and my friend who introduced me to Sage was Harley from the Joker (?) and I was a cat and I think Michelle was . . . Michelle . . . ? Anyways we left and I was just meowing all over the place and Barbie kept on saying “Hi! I’m Barbie!” to everyone and it was hilarious. We got to this one part of the night though where apparently this guy started to follow us, but I had no idea, but now that I think about it, it was kind of strange how he began to walk towards us and then was walking with us, like what? Anyways Barbie and I (the dumb blond) were the only ones to not get it. But we stayed behind until he had left and that was when we were cued in on that. (Keep in mind we’re all 13, so ew.)

We went home after getting a bunch of candy and then we began to watch the Grudge (I looked away at every scary seeming scene. Barbie too, lol. That wasn’t our night I guess.) Then my grandma came, :(, to take me away and Harley spilled water all over me.

At least I think it was water. I hope it was water.

 . . . ????


4) What were you for Halloween, hmm?

5) Did you go trick treating?

6) Too old? Okay then, what did you do Miss Maturity, huh?

Lol. Not to be judgy. Trick or treating isn’t for everybody, I guess. Too much candy buying if that were the case.

Oh! And I just posted the beginning of a new Jarry fan fiction. I won’t be updating it till this is finished, because I think that would be unfair. Until then though make sure lots of people come to it because it is faerie based and all.

It’s gonna be great guys.

Check it out, it’s called Believe and is right on my profile. :D

Next chapter has a Halloween theme. Did I already say that? Oh well. Comment, vote, fan, and promote. I love you. :D

- Angie Bear

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