Her hand dropped to her side and I looked back up into her eyes, my lips parted, I simply stared at her. "Are you coming to lunch?" She asked. I paused for a moment, watching her expression brighten as I gradually nodded.

"Great, let's go." She smiled and she moved towards me, a skip in her step as she grabbed onto my hand, pulling me from my stiff and rigid stance. Frowning at how she pulled me—but not pulling away, I followed her to the cafeteria, ignoring the weird sensation that brewed within.

As per usual, the cafeteria was packed, the whole environment was lively. Chatter erupted from all directions and the tables began to fill with people, friends greeted each other.

I found myself being pushed down into a seat, my bag fell to the floor as I shrugged it off my shoulder. Violet sat opposite me, brushing a strand of her hair behind her hair.

Her eyes brightened as she tucked her palm underneath her chin. "I'm curious about something...why don't you ever smile?" Violet asked suddenly, my expression remained as it was. Stoic, plane and emotionless.

I shrugged.

She burst out laughing, sparkles lit up in her brown eyes and I rose a brow. "This calls for another wish!" She stated and she pulled out her book.

Violet began to scribble on the page and my curiosity resurfaced as I wanted to know what she was doing, what was she writing and why?

"Here." She stated, sliding the book towards me, my gaze averting from her beaming expression to the book.

Wish #20 - Make Jason Kidd smile

My eyebrows furrowed as I looked back to the joyous girl, her smile becoming wider as her brown eyes swept over my expression.

"You like it?" She asked, the tips of her lips curling upwards into a grin. Her doe—like eyes shown and I felt my chest tighten. When I didn't answer her, she tilted her head to the side and stared, her smile never fading.

"You're okay with this, right?"

I found myself nodding briefly. Violet cheered, snapping her book shut and stuffing it into her bag with a brighter grin and beaming eyes, she scrambled to her feet and held out a hand.

"Let's go!" She excitedly chirped, not giving me a chance to get up myself as she lurched forward and grasped onto my hand, jerking me up. There was no her tiny frame stood a chance against my towering height, so as she pulled me, I stood, following without uttering a single word.

"What we're doing here?" I asked, grunting as I stated at her from the corner of my eyes. A thin line formed upon my lips and Violet merely rolled her eyes, telling me to be quiet for the fifth time already. "Sshh." She giggled and pressed a finger to her lips. I stared back at her.

"Wish #19." She whispered.

Pulling a lead from my brown hair, I grunted in annoyance and looked around at my surroundings. "Why are we in a bush?" I asked, cursing at myself for ever agreeing to get into a bush with the strange, lively girl who was was crunched down, right by my side.

"Just give it a minute." Her eyes were trained on a flower shop. The exterior was simple, pretty and adorned in various types of flowers. The windows shone as if someone had just wiped them and the black lettering upon the centre of the building was sprawled in italics, neatly.

The Girl With The Wishes [EDITING.]Where stories live. Discover now