Chapter 1

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"Mom! Lookit this!" Sparky squealed as she pounced on a ball, her collar jingling.
The little kit's mother purred. "Good job, my dear."
Sparky watched as a furless housefolk packed another box, the sudden actions that followed from a man dressed in blue.
Her mother tensed as the entire family left their house. She leapt onto the windowsill in time to see them pull away, the rain coming down harder now. In the distance, she could see a cloud beginning to look more and more like a tunnel.
"Sparky, get to the basement. Wake up Joker. Now." Belle jumped down from the ledge, running into the kitchen with urgency and began to drag a bag of dry cat food down into the basement.
Sparky watched as the unopened bag tumbled down the steps. She whimpered as her brown tabby pelt quivered.
"Momma, what's happening?" Joker cried, his fluffy red pelt spiking up in discomfort.
Soon, the three were downstairs behind a large white box called a washer machine.
"Listen my loves. Something called a tornado is headed our way and we have to be strong, okay? I've been in one before. Just remember how much I love you. Don't you dare ever leave each other. Ever. Remember me and if we ever get separated, remember how I taught you to pounce on your toys. Or beg. Do what you have to to survive. I love you both so, so much."
And then the storm hit. And it hit fast.

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