The Date

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Barry jumped out of bed after realizing he was late for work. He hurried into the shower to bathe himself before putting on jeans and a red sweater. After getting ready Barry left his apartment and started the long walk to the precinct.

He arrived at the station fifteen minutes late and  swiftly walked through the door and to the stairs. When he reached the bottom of the stairs he heard the one voice he was avoiding.

"Allen!" boomed Captain Singh.

"Crap," Barry mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Umm nothing, sir. Did you need anything?"

"Well, I'd like my CSI to show up on time. How bout you figure out a way to make that happen?"

"Sorry, sir. It won't happen again."

"Sure it won't, Allen," growled Singh before heading back to his office.

Barry sighed before heading up to his lab.


Len sat debating with himself about what to cook for his date with Barry. After an hour of disputing he decided on curried coconut chicken.  Noticing he needed some ingredients he grabbed his coat and headed to his car.

On his way to the store he turned into the parking lot at Jitters. Inside he ordered an iced coffee and a blueberry muffin. As he waited for his order Len felt someone tap his shoulder. Turning around he was surprised to find Barry standing before him.

"Hey, Len," Barry smiled.

"Hey, Barry. How are you?"

"Good, just getting a coffee on my break. What about you?"

"Just about to head over to the store."

"Oh okay. Hey, I'm sorry, but if I'm late getting back to work the captain will kill me. See ya tonight." Barry said rushing out of the coffee shop.

Len laughed at how cute Barry was before grabbing his coffee from the waitress and leaving the shop.


Barry panicked when he looked at the clock seeing that it was ten minutes til five. He quickly gathered his things in his lab and rushed down the stairs. When he reached the bottom he ran into someone making him drop his bag.

"Oh, um sorry, Eddie," Barry apologized picking up his bag.

"It's fine. Why in such a rush?" Eddie asked smiling.

"I have to get ready for a date."

"Oh, good luck then," replied Eddie walking off smile fading.

Barry finally made it to his apartment at 5:30 and immediately jumped in the shower. He took his time bathing himself before stepping out and drying off. Wrapped in a towel Barry stood staring into his closet trying to find the perfect outfit. Running his hands through his wet hair he decided he needed help.

"Hey Iris. I really need you to help me pick out something to wear. Like I just can't decide. I hope you weren't to busy. I just have no clue what to wear and I only have like 20 minutes til he gets here," fretted Barry right when Iris picked up the phone.

"Calm down, Barry, it'll be okay," responded Iris.
"Okay, so you want to make sure you dress for the occasion. What does he have planned?"

"He's cooking dinner for us at his place."

"Oh okay, so I'd dress sort of casual. Maybe a pair of nice jeans and that red sweater of yours."

"Are you sure?" asked Barry.

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