Ghost from the Past

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Len flopped down on the couch exhausted from his day at work. Hearing his phone ring he groaned getting up to answer it.

"Hello," he snarled through the phone.

"Are you ever in a good mood?" snapped back Len's sister, Lisa.

"Sorry, just had a rough day at work," apologized Len.

"It's fine, anyways, I was just calling because Cisco wanted me to invite you to have dinner with us tomorrow night,".

The mention of Cisco made Len growl through the phone.

"Oh, come on Len, drop the whole protective older brother routine. We've been dating for almost a year now,".


"Great come by around 7, and be free to bring a date,".

"Okay, see ya then," Len said hanging up.

Sighing Len went back to the couch and fell asleep.

Barry left work eager to get to Len's house. Even though they had just started dating seeing Len was the highlight of his day. When he arrived it took Len awhile to answer the door.

"Sorry," he apologized. "I was sleeping,".

Barry smiled at how cute Len was when he was tired before walking into the apartment.

"Its fine. I'm sorry I woke you."

"No need to apologize sweetie," he replied walking over to kiss Barry.

"I'm kinda a little tired myself if you wanted to go back to sleep," Barry offered grabbing Len's hand and heading to the bedroom.

"I wouldn't mind going to bed with you," Len chuckled pecking Barry on the lips.

Finding the bed both men layed in eachothers arms. "Hey before I forget my sister was wondering if we'd have dinner with her and her boyfriend tomorrow."

"I'd love that!" Barry smiled kissing Len." Can't wait to meet your sister."

"Great! I'll pick you up around six," Len said bringing Barry closer into his arms before shutting his eyes.
Barry spent the car ride on the way to dinner ranting nervously.

"What if she doesnt like me? What if she tries to talk you out of dating me?".

"Barry, calm down it's going to be fine. I'm sure she'll like you just as much as I do".

"Ok," sighed Barry closing his eyes for the rest of the drive.

Five minutes later they were pulling up at Lisa's house.

"Barry," Len said waking Barry from his nap.

Barry yawned before following Len's lead and getting out of the car. Len smiled at Barry before grabbing his hand and walking him to the front door. A few seconds after hitting the door bell the front door was swung open revealing Lisa with her eyes wide open "Barry?!" she exclaimed not believing who Len's new boyfriend was.

"Lisa?" Barry replied face turning white.

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