The Mix Up

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"Ugh, I hate this game!" cried Caitlin.

"You know, I didn't force you to play this," laughed Barry.

"Yeah, I know it's just impossible,".

"No it isn't, you just need to lighten up," Barry taunted as the doorbell rang. "Be right back,".

Barry opened the door to find a small brown box and a delivery man walking away. "Thank you!" he yelled picking up the package and closing the door.

"Who was it?" asked Caitlin still trying to play Operation.

"Um, we got a package,".

After examining the box he realized the address on the box was wrong just as the doorbell rang again.

"Hello," Barry greeted opening the door revealing the delivery man who looked much better face to face.

"Sir, are you okay?"asked the man looking concerned.

Barry's cheeks began to flush red as he snapped out of his trance.

"Umm yeah, sorry. For ummm staring. I have a package here that's not addressed to me," Barry ranted trying to control his blush.

"Yes, I'm sorry for the mix up sir," apologized the man.

"It's fine," replied Barry handing the man the package.

"Thank you, and I'd also like to apologize for being unprofessional, but can I have your number?" smirked the man.

It took Barry a minute to register what had just happened. 'Did he just hit on me' Barry thought.

"Umm yeah, sure," Barry responded in disbelief reciting his number to the man.

"Thanks. I'll call you later" said the man turning to walk away.

"Wait, can I get your name?" questioned Barry.

"Name's Len,"

"Barry," he replied closing the door trying to hide his smile from Caitlin.

"Whats the smile for?" observed Caitlin.

"The delivery man asked for my number,".

"Did you give it to him?"

"Yes," blushed Barry.

"That hot huh?"

"You have no Idea!" exclaimed Barry as the two burst into laughter.

"Not that I don't enjoy this horrendous game, but can we do something else" begged Caitlin.

"Sure what do you have in mind?"

"Wanna watch Friends?"

"That sounds great," approved Barry walking over to sit next to Caitlin.


Four episodes into the show the door to the apartment opened and Iris walked in.

"Hey Barry," Iris started before seeing Caitlin. "Oh hey, Caitlin. Barry didn't tell me he had company,".

Barry's phone rang before he could answer Iris. He stood up pulling the phone from his pocket and stepped into his room before answering. "Hello?"

"Hey, Barry. It's Len."

"Oh hey, Len what's up?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to go out tomorrow night."

"Sure, that sounds great! Where did you wanna go?"

"I was actually hoping I could cook you dinner," Len smiled through the phone.

"Oh, wow yeah, that sounds great. What's, umm, your address?".

"Don't worry about it. I'll pick you up around 6."

"Oh, okay well, I'll see you then,".

"Okay. Bye, Barry,".

"Bye," Barry replied hanging up the phone and taking a breath to calm his excitement before going back into the living room.

"Was it him?" asked Caitlin almost immediately.

"Yes!" Barry beamed.

"Was it who?" Iris wondered.

"Len," Barry informed.

"Did he ask you out?" Caitlin asked.

"Wait what? Who's Len?" Iris questioned desperate for answers.

"Well, the delivery man got an address wrong and accidentally gave someone's package to us. So, when he came back to get it, he asked me for my number," Barry explained.

"Oh, so now you're gonna get another package," Iris joked making Caitlin giggle.

Barry thought about the joke before blushing wildly and hiding his face.

"I don't do that on the first date," Barry noted trying to hold back his laughter.

"Oh, please. Tell that to Oliver Queen," Iris remarked.

"Well, I mean. Can you blame me?" argued Barry.

"No!" laughed Iris and Caitlin at the same time.

"Anyway I'm glad you met someone, Barry, but I'm starving. Take out?" Iris suggested.

"Sounds amazing,"

"Great I'll order," Iris replied grabbing the phone.

Being UnprofessionalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora