Chapter 2: Sister Dearest.

Start from the beginning

"Hey. Yknow i was wondering why mark was skipping around the house all cheerful like." Ryan said matter o' factly.

"Shut up ryan!!" Mark said blushing.

"Well im about to see Maria later guys have fun." He said leaving

"So wanna play just cause 3?" Mark asked.

Mark sets up his xbox and i was about to play when my phone went off.


shit its my younger sister.

"Whats wrong?" Mark asked concerned.

"My younger sister is calling dont get me wrong i love her but the only time she calls is if she wants something my mom and step dad cant provide."

"So you spoil her."

"Pretty much yea lemme text her go ahead and get started ill join in a few."


Text dialogue:

Clair: C

You: Y

C: Hey sissy, hows LA?

Y: Good.

C: meet any celebs?

Y: no, what do you want?

C: what?

Y: you only text when you want something so what is it?

C: I do not!! I dont want anything!


C: ok fine soo pax prime is this year its taking place in California and since you live there....

Y: uh oh.

C: what does that mean. What do you mean uh oh?!

Y: just call me.

Clair calls me.

Y: ok clairy-clem hurry this up i am with a friend right now.

C: oh a friend you say. Who is he? Zac Efron? Taylor Lautner? Jared Padalecki?

Y: no he isnt a celebrity hes just a kind guy who gave me a ride to the interview when my car broke down- just tell me what you want!!

C: jeez chill no need to get snappy so Pax prime is taking place in La this year and i want to go but mom and dad say they cant take me i asked if i could stay with you could i go they agreed but said i had to ask you.

Y: oh god.

C: pweeeeeease sissy pweeeeeeeeeeeeeease.

Y: ok ok fine.

C: yay thanks sissy!

Y:whats so special about this convention anyway?

C:all my favorite YouTubers are gonna be there cinnamontoastken, muyskerm, lordminion777, and the best of them all Markiplier.

Y: isnt that that guy i always hear yelling from your room?

C: wait till you see him hes quite tge looker you too could make amazing babehs.

Y: you know what clair im done bye clair bye!

Ends call.

Holy fuck, i dont even have the money to get another plane ticket.
I already paid my rent up to a year.
I have to buy another couch because the moving company broke the one i had and they are claiming that they are not liable for any damage done. Thats some bullshit. And i basically am out of money.  And i just agreed to get my sister a 480.00$ ticket to LA and two tickets to a freaking convention.
I sigh and sit on the couch near mark and run my hands through my hair.

LA Miracles. (Markiplier X Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now