Switched Part Seven

Comenzar desde el principio

"So... I heard you and Mulder just got together last month?" Chelsea continued.

"Wha? Uh oh yeah."

"I know, you guys are so adorable! The height difference is a MAJOR factor! I mean, he does have to bend down to kiss you!" Tara squealed.


"And the fact that you've been together four years and work so closely together! It's sweet! You guys probably trust each other with your life!"

"Yeah," Mulder murmured. "I trust her- I mean, him more than myself sometimes..."

"Aww!" Tara and Chelsea squeaked. Maggie was listening to the younger women's conversation amusedly. It was quite obvious her Dana had fallen in love.

"In our line of work, sh- he's kept me sane, and I couldn't do what I do without him." Mulder admitted. Surprisingly, it felt good to take this off his chest. Over the past month, he'd learned so much about Scully, by being her. He probably understood her more than anyone, and the same went with Scully. If he hadn't already been in love with her before, Mulder was now.

The women finished the rest of their cooking without uttering another word about Mulder's love life with Scully. Instead Tara and Chelsea seemed to be discussing their own relationships, while Maggie hummed along quietly. Mulder was deep in thought about Scully and didn't notice Tara snapping her fingers in front of his face.

"Heyyy.. Dana?"

"Oh, sorry! What?"

"Can you grab our men? We're ready!" Mulder flashed her a wide grin and washed her flour encrusted hands, before heading out. Mulder just rounded the corner of the hallway leading the way to the garage when the door opened. Scully was laughing and staggering along with Charlie and Bill.

"Dinner's ready!" He called to them. Bill and Charlie nodded and went to go freshen up, still laughing. Scully walked haphazardly toward Mulder, a wide smile on her face.

"Mulder...! Did... You.... Know? BEER PONG IS FUN!" Scully yelled the last four words, before collapsing in a fit of giggles.

Mulder's heart melted a little at Scully. She was adorable when drunk. "Here, let me help you freshen up." He led her into one of the three bathrooms in the house and sa her down on the closed toilet seat. "Can you wash your face?" Scully snorted.

"Why? My face is fabulous!"

Mulder sighed and opened the cupboard under the sink, which held several face towels. "Guess not." He ran cold water over the towel soaking it. Twisting the towel a bit, he squeezed a small amount of the liquid out. Then he turned toward Scully, who was standing and studying her (Mulder's) face in the mirror.

"Mulder," Scully said, slurring her words a little bit. "Did anyone everr tell you that you are a verryyy handsome man?" Mulder stared up into Scully's (his) green eyes and felt a flush creeping up his neck.

"Well, Scully, did anyone tell you you're a very beautiful woman?" He whispered, sponging the sweat off Scully's face.


Through the drunken stupor, Scully watched as she flirted with her partner. He was staring up at her with something in his eyes and as he wiped the sweat off her face, Scully could feel herself coming back. "Let's go," He murmured and lifted her up. Mulder straightened as he fixed the collar of the blue Blazer and ran his fingers through her brown hair.

The dinner was an absolute blur of her family laughing, talking, and eating delightedly. Mulder was laughing along with them, eyes brightening every time he learned something new about her or her family, and frankly, Scully thought that was endearing. While she was asked several questions about Mulder's childhood and career, Scully could easily recall all the facts Mulder told her.

"Yeah, Bill, I've been playing basketball ever since the fourth grade. I taught Samantha too..."

"That's correct, I majored in Physcology in College and was top of the class."

When dinner finished, it was 10:37 at night, and New Year's was fast approaching. Matthew, who was only 7, was grouchy and stubbornly refused to take a nap. Scully watched alertly as both Tara and Bill tried and failed to convince him. She crossed the floor and knelt in front of the brown haired boy.

"Hey, Matthew? Why don't you go sleep? I know you're tired, why don't you rest?"

"I don't want to Mulder," He whined looking up st her with pleading eyes. "You guys won't wake me up and I'll miss New Year's!"

Scully smiled. "I promise, Matthew I will wake you up, alright?"

"Okay," Matthew murmured. Tara ran toward him and led him away, twisting back around to mouth a thank you. Scully turned to find everyone staring at her, even Mulder. There was something in his eyes that was unidentifiable. A dark shadow casting over the sparkling light blue.

"Well, um let's celebrate and bust out the champagne while Matt's asleep!" Charles exclaimed. The adults cheered. Scully fell in behind Mulder as the group made their way toward the Dining Room.

A hand coiled around Scully's palm and intertwined with hers. She looked down into Mulder's gaze. "You're really good with kids," He whsipered, standing on tip toes to be level with her ear. "I like that."


At 11:50 Scully made her way into Matthew's room, making sure to fulfill her promise of waking up the kid. Chelsea made her way over to him. "Mulder's really good with kids huh. Like, really good." Her green eyes flashed with mischief. "Make sure to invite me to the wedding, k?"

Mulder was left spluttering after her as she sashayed away, swaying petite hips. He wasn't quite sure whether he liked the girl or not after all.

Scully ran back in with Matthew riding piggyback, bouncing around with him squealing happily. Chelsea smirked over at Mulder, proving her point. As New Year's neared, they got out the noisemakers, ready to celebrate. Scully came back over to Mulder, leaving Matthew with his parents.

The count down soon started, with them yelling the numbers.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!! HAPPY NEW YEARS!" Everyone cheered and hugged one another. Then Charlie, starting the tradition kissed Chelsea, then Bill with Tara. Mulder looked up at Scully, who was looking anywhere but at him.

"Happy New Years, hopefully we'll have a great one." Scully nodded. Mulder grabbed her hand and stood on tiptoe, reaching up to cradle her face with the other. "We have to do this, Scully, they might think we're not close."

Scully looked into Mulder's eyes and bent her head, meeting his lips. The kiss was slow and sweet before Mulder broke contact and stood flatly again. "Thank you," He sighed and leaned into Scully's chest. Her arms wrapped around him and she laid her chin on his head.

I know, I should've gotten this chapter out a week ago but to compensate I made this 2,424 words, not including this A/N. How'd you like it? Please leave feedback and vote! The next chapter will be the agents investigating a case.

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