I know Preston would be at the warehouse. I may have made a lot of rookie mistakes such as getting emotionally involved thus clouding my judgment, but this wasn't one of them. The Eye used the traitor and our emotions for Cammie to distract us and make simple mistakes. Now that one of them is out of the way, we are one step closer. Preston is not here so our plan wouldn't be compromised.

I wouldn't be hard for them to figure out what we were planning on doing. But at this point nothing can distract me from what I came for. We can adapt to any situation, we are spies, it's all part of the job.

The drive there was silent. We had a lot on our minds, wondering about Cammie was one. The other being if we would be able to finish this. I had my own doubts, however, my rage was enough to push those thoughts out of my mind.

We weren't going to fail because we owe it to Cammie to win. I owe it to her.

It wasn't until we were outside of the door that I realized this may be harder than I originally thought. They have to know we were coming here. Liz already disabled all of the cameras on the outside so we can have the element of surprise.

I remembered how well that worked last time I thought bitterly. I forced my thoughts away from that. Negative thoughts aren't helping us right now. I shared a look with Solomon before kicking the door down. We stormed inside with our weapons already positioned in our arms. I lead the way to

All I had was a small hand gun. I had the most important weapon inside of me, my brain. I hated to rely on guns or other weapons, they made me feel slow. I feel most comfortable with my fists. I could do a lot more satisfying damage then.

I hated holding a gun after Blackthorne. I am not an assassin, yet when I touch one everything changes. I hate that it feels familiar in my hands. I tried my hardest to leave that part of my life behind me.

I'm taking Cammie on a nice long relaxing vacation after this. I think we both deserved it.

I thought the hardest part would be trying to find Luke. They knew we were coming for him so the logical thing to do would be to conceal him. I spotted him immediately, it was hard not to.

Luke was in the center of the empty warehouse sitting on what looked like a throne. Behind him were about a hundred men with their guns pointed at us. We were clearly outnumbered. Luke sat there with a smile on his face while his gun was aimed at my chest. What was going on, I thought Luke was being held captive?

We got over the shock quickly. How could we have known he was against us? Despite being outnumbered we raised our weapons and pointed them at Luke. Once the leader falls the rest of the gang falls apart. All we need is one shot. I was the closest to Luke, I could shoot him with my gun easily. Granted he could do the same. I couldn't miss.

"You're late." Luke said smirking at us. The gun in his hand never faltered. It remained fixated on me.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked never taking my eyes off of him. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see some of his men in the back shift. I was trying to stall him by getting him to tell us what the hell was going on. Our main objective was to get Luke. It's hard to save someone when they have a gun pointed to your chest.

While Luke is talking hopefully he would be distracted enough so I could shoot him, in the leg, something non-life threatened. That would make it so much easier to bring him back to headquarters. Two birds, one stone.

"I know what you are trying to do Zach." It doesn't matter if he knows I'm trying to stall him, it's a common technique. "You can only stall for so long. But I'm in the mood to tell a story." He leaned forward in his seat built like a throne. I can assume that the director told you all about how he was involved. How we bribed him with money. He failed to mention that even without it, he was willing to comply. We didn't even have to resort to blackmailing him."

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