Turn The White Snow Red As Strawberries In The Summertime

Start from the beginning

I push out of the door, welcoming the sun on my skin. I see Calum sliding into Luke's sleek black car in the parking lot, the door slamming shut. I watch them with a bitter taste on my tongue.

Michael claps me on the back. "Anyway, I'll see you later." He crosses the lot to get to his car, getting inside quickly. I lean back against the wall, deciding to wait for the traffic to subside before I go anywhere.

I glance down at my shoes, noticing several new scuff marks staining the black leather. I groan mentally. I managed to keep them new looking for a solid few weeks, but they're beginning to look very broken in by now.

I fish in my pocket for my keys, pushing off the wall and deciding to go ahead out to my car. As I walk to the edge of the sidewalk I hear a shout, and I lift my eyes just in time to see Michael's red SUV back straight into Luke's.

There's a loud impact of metal hitting metal, and I nearly drop my keys in a panic as Michael slams on the brakes. Time stands still for a moment before the driver's side of Luke's car opens and the blonde steps out, not looking happy.

I watch, frozen in my spot as Luke stalks towards Michael's car, and he checks for any damage on the back of his sports car. Michael slowly exits his car, looking a bit frightened at Luke's furious expression.

"What the hell?" Luke snaps, stepping up to Michael. Michael's confident smirk is wiped off his face as Luke narrows his eyes at him, his icy blue eyes sending a shiver down my spine. "You hit my car!"

"It-- It was an accident," Michael stammers, lifting his hands in defense. I watch in awe, staring as Michael completely loses his confident compusture that he usually carries, his eyes wide. "I swear."

Luke glares at him, pointing back towards his car. "Calum got his head hit! You expect me to just let this go?"

I glance back at Luke's passenger side worriedly, trying to see through the tinted windows to see if Calum's alright. Worry sends my heart plummeting into my stomach.

Michael's voice brings me back, and I hear him say nervously, his voice wavering slightly, "Come on, mate, we're family friends. I'm sorry. Just--"

Luke slams his elbow against Michael's chest, shoving the red-haired boy against the side of his car. Michael opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out, his eyes wide as Luke furiously keeps him pressed against the car, not looking like he'll calm down any time soon.

"Luke!" Calum gets out of the car, hurrying to his fiancé's side, his eyes wide as he looks regretfully at the boy who has made fun of him for years. "Stop, please. It was an accident."

Luke looks at Calum incredously, keeping Michael shoved against the car. The red-haired boy stares at Calum just as shocked, looking surprised that the boy is standing up for him. Calum doesn't waver, pulling on Luke's arm.

"He got you hurt," Luke says firmly.

"I'm really fine," Calum says, pulling on his arm some more. "Please let it go. It was an accident."

Michael doesn't say anything, looking up at Luke hopefully as he winces at Luke's elbow pressed on his chest. Luke doesn't move for a moment, looking angry and conflicted. Finally, he lets out a sigh and releases Michael, throwing the boy a harsh glare before turning around and stalking back to his car.

Michael slowly straightens, looking at Calum uncomfortably. He shifts restlessly. "You didn't have to do that."

"Luke wouldn't have let it go if I didn't," Calum says, his voice soft. He crosses his arms, looking at his feet.

Michael blinks, putting his hands in his pockets. "Um, thank you," he says, his voice losing his rough edge.

Calum bites his bottom lip before turning around, hurrying back to Luke's car and sliding inside the passenger seat. Luke speeds out of the parking lot once Calum is inside, leaving a slow murmur among the employees as they awkwardly avoid Michael's eyes.

Michael straigthens, clearing his throat and forcing his smirk back on his face. He glances at me and says, "Luke. Fucking psycho." But as he says it, I see his hands still shaking, his eyes still wide. He looks shaken up, despite his efforts to hide it.

I shake my head. "You owe Calum big time," I tell him. "He definitely didn't have to stand up for you."

Michael brushes off his shirt. "Then why did he?"

"Because he's kind. He sees the best in people."

Michael takes this in quietly, nodding after a moment. He looks over his car for any damage as a few other employees join him, laughing a little at what happened. I pick up my keys again, walking past them to get to my car. As I pass, I overhear one of them make a snide remark about Calum, laughing afterwards.

I raise my eyebrows when I hear Michael snap, "Shut up." He shoves the guy a little, looking irritable.

The guy who made the comment looks confused. "What?"

"Don't make fun of him," Michael mutters, grabbing his keys and turning away from the group, turning back to his car. The group of employees glance at each other in confusion at Michael's sudden change of heart towards the boy, but they don't comment on it.

I walk back to my car, smiling a little as relief courses through my bloodstream. Listening to Michael's rude comments about Calum and Luke made my skin crawl, but Calum standing up to Luke for Michael clearly put the boy back in his place.

I shake my head as I start my truck, remembering Michael's scared expression, hands lifted in defeat as Luke approached. Even Michael's cocky composure was destroyed and melted into a shaking and trembling mess when Luke got mad. I never thought that could happen, but I watched it happen. It just makes me hate Luke even more.

I huff frustratedly, pulling out of the parking lot and driving my way home. I don't know how to convince Calum that he's worth more than what Luke gives him, but something tells me I need to figure something out soon.

A/N: gonna be honest i didnt really know how to end this chapter lmao

but yo michael totally got put in his place by luke lol who's laughing now

also i'm really happy to see others share my enthusiasm for hamilton omg i love it

so guys when is your birthday?? i wanna congratulate you on your day

mine's january 31st !! no one ever has the same bday as me its sad lol

thanks for reading! i hope you enjoyed. it would mean a lot of you voted or commented :) thanks so much.

i love you to the moon.

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