14 | Stop. Tweeting. About. Me.

Start from the beginning

• July 27th, 2022 •

@rossR5: You're so cute. I mean like just not your looks are cute but your personality too.

@rossR5: The things you say are cute. Your voice is so cute. Your smile is so cute. How you talk to me is so cute.

@rossR5: I love talking to you. I really really love it.

@rossR5: I love how I can call you in the middle of the night and talk till one of us falls asleep. Even though you can be really weird sometimes, I still love it.

@rossR5: I love you and just you.

• July 28th, 2022 •

@rossR5: What would you do if I told you I was in love with you?

Just then, my phone vibrated. Fuck, Laura texted me!

From Laura🤓❤️😘:
Stop. Tweeting. About. Me.

To Laura🤓❤️😘:
I miss you.

From Laura🤓❤️😘:
Ross, seriously, this is too much. Yes, I liked
the flowers and thought the note was cute,
and yes, in the beginning the tweets we're
cute. But now? Now it's a bit creepy.

I frown.

To Laura🤓❤️😘:
Then agree to go out on a date with me.
I promise I'll stop then.

From Laura🤓❤️😘:
One date?

To Laura🤓❤️😘:
Yes, one date. Unless you're still with Kyler.
I won't make you cheat on him. I promise
you'll like me after the date, Laura.

From Laura🤓❤️😘:
And if I don't like you after the date?

To Laura🤓❤️😘:
We can either go back to being best friends
or you can cut me out of your life completely.
I'd rather us still be best friends, tho.

From Laura🤓❤️😘:
Fine. Tomorrow night.

"Fuck yes!" I shout, pumping my fist in the air.

From Laura🤓❤️😘:
I need times and places, Ross. And the date
can not go past 1:00am. Vanessa makes me
have a curfew cause the kids.

To Laura🤓❤️😘:
I'll pick you up at 6:00. And don't worry,
I'll have you home before 1:00.

From Laura🤓❤️😘:
Causal? Dressy? What?

To Laura🤓❤️😘:
Either a jeans and a t-shirt or a skirt and
a t-shirt. Possibly a thin dress. Whatever
is comfy.

Read at 3:12pm.

I quickly grab my journal and begin to write.

July 28th, 2022,

I did it. I finally let Laura agree to go out on a date with me. This has been my dream since I was sixteen. And I accomplished it. And she doesn't believe she'll like me after the date? Hell, I'm doing it right. I'm going all out. And I'm not telling anybody about this date. For three reasons really.

One being Laura could totally decide she just wants to be best friends and my family will be devastated as well, which I guess isn't the worse case, but it still sucks to . Two being my siblings will get all lovey crap and tease me till the end of eternity. And three, I just want to take things slow with Laura and not have the pressure of the relationship revolve around fans.

It's confusing really, but I think it'll work out. I've already got a few ideas for the date. One option is I take her to a movie and dinner, but that's too weird and totally not Laura and I. A different option is going to the pier, but that's a public place so that wouldn't work. I could rent out the ice rink and we could skate around for awhile while I play music. Maybe serve dinner I there and then go to a look out by the Hollywood sign to hang out.

I like the third option the best, because I know she sucks at balancing meaning I'd get to hold her all night long and laugh with her. Oh my, I got to call the ice rink asap.

To Laura🤓❤️😘:
I change my mind, wear a jeans and either
a t-shirt and bring a hoodie, or just wear a
hoodie. I'll have an extra just in case.

Read at 3:31pm.

Not only did Laura agree, but she also broke up with Kyler. I clearly told her the date would be off if she was still with Kyler. Meaning, I need to subtly bring up it up and not make it forced or awkward. Hopefully it'll come out randomly and she'll just laugh and tell me, but that's a slim chance. Anyways, that's all I wanted to say. Until next time.

• what the hell, another crappy chapter? the little notes at the end of each chapter are pretty much about me complaint how crappy of a writer i am. like always, I'm super sorry. but next chapter will be the date. so vote, comment and follow me! love you, babes💜

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