Chapter 12

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I was just thinking about all the romance stories you always read. A girl finds a super hot guy, and then he flirts with her 24/7 and she falls for him, and they go on an epic adventure and everyone likes them, and their parents are cool with it (or they're orphans), and they're TOGETHER in the entire adventure.
This is all a figment of imagination.

In real life it's: a girl has a crush on a guy and she try's to tell herself it's hopeless and somehow, in a crazy chance, the guys friend has a crush on her and wants the guy to try to be friends with her so he can try to get her to talk with him. But then by Christmas, the guys friend gives up and tells him that the girl is "all yours" and stuff. And then they're best friends. And everyone ships them, blah blah blah... You get the point. It's MY story. There is no adventure and instead, it's the two finally (FINALLY) discovering they like each other, oh look, they're a couple now and try to hide it from their parents (unsuccessfully(his parents found out, it's a long story)). Oh, and to top it all off, I can't talk to him in person. Or text either because his parents policy is: no phones on vacation. It's Minnesota. Southern Canada. Ok, technically the United States is southern Canada (Canada is 50% "a") but Minnesota is cold and you get the idea. So I can't talk to him EVER.

And I'm sad.


Why wouldn't I be?

Don't answer the question. It's rhetorical. You should know what that means.

You get the idea.

And my sister enjoys threatening to blackmail me cause she knows my parents would kill me if they found out.

And Jade, stop asking me if I've kissed him yet. You know I'm not a romantic person in general. Ignore the fact that I asked him for a hug. That's a ONE TIME THING. Maaaaaayyyyybe. Possibly. Probably not but who cares. And I'm NOT going to ask for a kiss.

But just stop asking. The first thing you say to me is:

Me: Hi Jade!


Me: -_-

Jade: SO, HAVE YOU!?!? Please tell me you have.

No, I have not. But if (IF) we do, I'll tell you okay? And I'll give you the honor of knowing first. (Not sure if that's a good idea. Probably isn't). IF is important. IF. Not definitely. Not surely. Not OMG YES. And Not yes. Probably no.

The Dramas of a 7th Grade girl with a CrushWhere stories live. Discover now