Part 7

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Anyway. We were talking and I bet with him that I had a better yard, because I live by a big pond. So I just told him where I lived. Which I guess was a BIG mistake. And I realized it was a big big big mistake. I guess. So, he searched it up. And somehow found directions from PR to my house. So on the Iowa Assessments day, during lunch, he ran by my house. I think. He never really did tell me but I'm figuring he did. 

The Second time he ran by, we weren't there. But, he brought Carter. Apparently they walked around the path behind our house and took a picture of a dead fish or something. And then they found the no trespassing sign. So they joked around with it and they pretended to hold onto the sign and just barely touch the path with their toe. Then they came over to the front of my house. Carter, seeing the metal dragon in front of my friend Macee's house ran over to it and said something about having a new respect for me. But then his dreams were crushed when Gabe told him that was Macee's house. So now, Gabe thinks Carter worships Macee because of the metal dragon. So they rang my doorbell but we weren't there so they took some photo evidence. Carter, swinging on the light pole in front of our house and Gabe just standing there on the sidewalk. 

Anyway. He ran by a lot. The third time he ran by, I was actually there. I was eating dinner and I ran to the door with a sorta excited face on because I thought it was Macee. It wasn't. It was Gabe. I quickly changed my facial expression hoping that he hadn't seen my first facial expression. He did. Unfortunately. While he smirked at me, I ranted on and on about how he came unexpected, he didn't warn us, what the heck was he doing here, blah blah blah. He asked where Hunter's house was. Making a quick excuse, I went in my socks to show Gabe where Hunter's house was. He just gave me a weird look when I started walking in my socks. We just talked and stuff there. Mom got mad because we left without telling her where we were going but I told her we told dad and then she was cool with it. 


Used to. 

Partially the reason why is because Macee got a new doberman, and I accidentally got it to attack him. 

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