50 not 50.

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The next morning, Alex knocked at his door. Not used to early rising, Will opened the door, wearing nothing but boxers.

"Wear something you scarred dog" taunted Alex.
Will just let out a 'Hmph'.
He was scarred. Anyone who had been through what Will has, would be scarred.
Cuts and burns and bruises and bullet holes.
"Any job?" inquired Will
"No, not yet" answered Alex
Alex was like an agent. He got jobs for the assassin, and accompanied him on few.
"If the job is dangerous, then count me out, not accompanying you" , he used to say.

The day was over quickly, without any event. No job turned up, so he retired to sleep.

The next day, Alex showed up in the afternoon. "We got something", he said.
"You got the details?" asked Will
"We gonna meet the contractor", said Alex.
"You go. Get the details"
"No. You are coming with me"
"You know my rules Alex. I dont see the contractor. The contractor doesnt see me. I dont need the details."
"Well, worth a try" said Alex after a pause, as he went to get the killing contract.
"Tonight. Elegant Cafè. 8pm." said Alex when he returned.
Elegant Cafè. That rang a bell in Will's head. He frowned at its mention. But putting all thoughts aside, he started planning his crime.
"Point out the target when we get there" said Will.
Alex nodded while taking a sip from his beer and left.
A thought crossed Will's mind. But he pushed it out.
Will positioned himself on the opposite rooftop. Alex was with binoculars. They were surveying the area. At least Alex was. Will kept a close watch on the time.

"There" Alex pointed.
"Blue apron with back towards us."

Will aimed with his scope. He rest his finger on the trigger. It was 8.30, but the street was almost empty. Otherwise he would wait or follow the target to a more secure place.
He was waiting for the target to turn around.

The target turned around.

Will froze for some reason. His heart stopped for a moment. He regained his senses when Alex shook him.
"What's wrong? Shoot you idiot."
Will didn't say anything.
"Hey shoot"
Will moved away from the roof. "I am not going to."
"What? Why? "
"Don't feel like it"
Alex looked at Will with disbelief.
"Tell the contractor I am not doing this job."
"Well, knowing how stubborn you can be...." Alex began to leave.
"Okay. So, here's the deal. Will kinda backed off. He refused to do it. Here's your advance payment." said Alex.

"And why is that?" asked the henchman with a raised eye-brow
"He said he didn't feel like it".

"Actually more interested in you" said a voice from the dark.
Everyone turned around to face Will emerging from the dark with a gun in hand.
"Will Carter" said the henchman.
"You shouldn't be knowing that name" said Will.
"Will!!" exclaimed Alex.
"And keep your mouth shut Alex"
"I happen to know many things." said the gunman.
"Who gave this contract?"
"I thought you don't care about the contractors."
"Tell me who-"
"Oh do shut up and look around you"
Will turned to see 3 other gunmen around him.
"Stop talking and listen to me. You are in no position to question anything." said another voice.
Will turned to see a little too familiar face.
"Yes, me".

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