Chapter 13, Choice A (Motivate the past, young Jessica)

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"Jessica, even though your mom died, you can still choose to be whoever you want to be. You don't have to act like her from now on because she is gone. You don't have to go through that path of lies. I understand that you are sad and that you think this is your fault, but you don't have to pretend like she is still here by being her and then freak out every time you make a mistake." I hold myself from saying that I went through what she is going to go through. I understand why the Voice said this was the hardest part. Not only is this my worst fear, it's also the easiest way to die. I have to be really careful while talking to my younger version. If the voice appears one more time, it means I can live and be free.

I continue, "Be yourself, but in the best version. You don't have to be "little miss perfect"."

"I don't think I can. I am the reason she died. So my soul doesn't deserve to be alive on this earth. But my mom's does. I look like her the most, so I might as well be the one who acts like her," she says.

"No. No, your mom wouldn't want that. She came out here to save you; she died for you because she wanted you to live. You are like her in many ways, but you are also very different. Don't be someone else. I'm one hundred percent positive that she wants you to be who you are, but in the best way," I say softly.

"I doubt she would want me to be myself. I'm one of the worst teenagers you will find. I've been expelled from school multiple times, I have been arrested four times, and I just made her die!" Young Jessica repeating things about my past makes me realize how hard it will be to convince her to be herself.

"That doesn't mean she hates you. She loves you. That's the reason she died. It was to save you. Now, are you going to be who you are, or are you going to be your mom?" Before I hear an answer, I'm blinded by a light. I hope I'm done with this curse now. Suddenly, I'm out of my fear landscape. I think I passed, but I'm not sure yet. The Voice then appears and says, "You're younger version didn't change. She decided to go on the same path as you and become just like her mother. I guess the guilt really got to her. Don't you think?" It then laughs, making me want to hurt it even more. "Anyways, sadly you went through the curse without dying or killing yourself. So you may leave." A door behind me opens up, and it looks dark and empty on the inside. I slowly walk towards it very carefully because I have no idea if this is a trap or not. I stick my finger in it first to make sure it's safe, then I close my eyes and dive through.

I feel my body beginning to steady and I open my eyes. I am in the school hallway in the exact same spot where the green light first appeared to me, but this time, the only difference is that everyone from the dance has gone home.

"Jessica?" says a familiar voice behind me. I turn around and see Cage standing next to Elena, Adam, and Brittanny.  Tears of joy fill my eyes and I run to them and throw my arms around all of them in a big group hug.

"You're alive!" I say gratefully. "I thought you died when you fell off the cliff. And I thought that you three died at the very beginning," I say pointing to them in a silly manner.

"No, we all survived. What happened to you in your last fear? We all saw each other at the same time but you came much later. We thought you didn't make it," Cage says quietly.

"I had a little chat with an old friend of mine." At this point, I just smile. I think we've all had enough for one day. Even though the Voice said that Young Jessica blamed herself, that doesn't mean that I can't change the way I am now. My biggest fear was failing because I always wanted to act exactly like my mom after she died. Now I won't have to worry about covering who I am anymore.  


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