Chapter 9, Choice A-(Go Right Which Leads To the School Roof)

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Elena pivots to the right and runs up the stairs that lead to the roof.  When she opens the door, she finds that there is a surprise waiting for her. All the people that bullied her, including Adam and Brittanny, have party hats and streamers. "SURPRISE!" They all shout.  Elena takes a step back, she can hardly believe what is going on.

"What, what is this for?" asks Elena while flabbergasted.

"All that we did to you today, was joke. There is no silly curse, and we don't actually hate you," explains Adam. "Yeah," says Brittanny "We love you Elena! We want to be with you forever."

"Really?" Elena says excitedly. "Really," replies Adam. "We even got you a cake."  Brittanny continues Adams statement, "It's your favorite flavor, vanilla."

Beep... Beep...Beep

"Doctor, do you think patient Elena Wilson will ever get out of her coma?" asks the nurse.

"Well, it was quite an unfortunate incident. It seems that she was bullied at school, and tried to commit suicide by jumping of the school roof," replies the doctor with a booming voice, "but I'm sure she'll be out of her coma in a few weeks. But it won't matter, only those who face their fears escape the curse, but those who run away are stuck here forever"


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