Girl Meets Kiss: Part 2

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Riley's POV

That night, Charlie and I went out again, but he insisted on watching an action movie at his house.

We sit on his couch in silence, I refuse to even touch him.

"Hey babe." He smirks.

"What do you want now Charlie?" I was sick and tired of his game.

"How about we head over to my room."

"Why? What's in there?"

"Nothing. But it's where you're gonna give me a present."

I tilt my head, "A present? But I don't have anything to give you."

"Yes you do. And I'll give you mine."

He grabs my hand and drags me towards what I'm assuming is his room.

He slams the door behind him and smirks.

"Come on Riley. My parents aren't home. How 'bout we have some fun?"

My eyes widen, I know what he means now.

"Charlie...I-I'm not ready."

"Fine." He growls, walking towards me. 

I feel my heart pounding out of my chest as Charlie approaches me. He grabs my wrist and pushes me down to the ground. 

"You should have just said yes." he says before kicking my side.

I coil in pain and cough, "Charlie, please stop."

I cry and scream, but Charlie doesn't stop kicking until I become silent.

"You should have just said yes. Now you'll just have a bruise to remind you what happens when you say no. Leave."


I leave Charlie's house surrounded by hate.

Hate for Charlie.

Hate for the situation.

Hate for myself.

I feel myself shaking, tears gliding down my cheeks. I clutch my side, but not too hard.

I can't go home.

If I go home, they'll know something's wrong. I can't even walk without bending over.

They'll ask questions and I'll tell them. Everything will be over.

So where do I go?

Farkle's POV

I lay in my king size bed in silence.

So, so much has happened.

All because of one little kiss.

*knock knock*

I open my bedroom window and see Riley crouched there, tears rolling down her cheeks.

My mouth falls open, "Riley what happened?"

"I-I can't d-d-do this any-ymore!" She chokes out between sobs.

I grab her hand and pull her into my room and on my bed. She crashes down onto the floor, screaming in pain. 

"What happened?" I pick her up and sit her down on my bed.

Riley buries her face in my chest and curls into a ball.

I jump, realizing I'm shirtless, but let it go and wrap my arms around her.

"Shh," I whisper, "I'm here now. It's okay Riley."

Riley picks up her head and shakes it violently, "No, no it's not."

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