Pitch Black

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     The minute I heard a door close behind me I knew something was wrong. I can't see anything and I'm paralyzed with fear. The queen hasn't moved or made a sound which made me even more terrified. When she did finally talk though, I wish she didn't.
"This is the final test, love. No one can enter this room and you can't exit until it's complete. Take a few steps forward after the light comes on and sit on the bed please." A dim light turned on and I could only see a little of what's in front of me. I continued to walk though until my hands found a cushion, so I took a seat as instrusted. "Now lay down and you will feel me put restraints around your wrists, ankles and forehead." I didn't want to move. No way in hell was I going to be strapped in a random bed where I couldn't escape. "What's going on!" I shouted. Hand pushed me down and at an incredible speed I was strapped down. "This test is to see if you can survive the transformation to a vampire. If you survive you will be able to stay with William and be able to live a long happy life, if you don't survive the change, I'm sorry." I started to stuggle but the restraints never came loose. I felt an awful burning pain at the base of my neck and soon after it spread throughout my whole body. I could feel the poison run throughout my body slowly dragging me down into a dark pit. I tried so hard to escape and swim to the top and get out of it but with the burning pain I was feeling it was near impossible so I let myself sink.
Williams P.O.V.
      I had to keep a straight face throughout her questioning. Her answers were amazing and I couldn't help but fall for her more. I'm not sure why Esmerelda, the queen, had taken Sophia into that room so I decided to ask Marcus, the king. "What is this test for?"
"No one likes to tell the truth about this one, I'm so sorry. Esmerelda has taken Sophia into the transformation room. If she survives the change then you can stay with her, if not it will be too late and she will no longer be with us." I'm seething by time he explains this to me. How can they force the change on her like this. This should be carefully thought out. I should have been the one to change her when both of us were ready. What if she doesn't make it? I can't live the rest of my life not knowing how it would be with her by my side even if it's just for a little while. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Esmerelda walked out. "How dare you do this to her! She didn't know! I didn't know! You can't just spring the damn change on someone and expect their survival! I never even explained how it works! And she's probably fighting it so it hurts worse!" I yelled. She only looked at me with a calm expression and said softly "If I didn't think she wouldn't have made it, I wouldn't have done it. I know that you wouldn't have changed her until she begged to spend eternity with you so I took the leap for you. You will thank me later, for now all you can do is sit by and watch." I run into the room and see her laying on a bed strapped down. Her body was twitching and didn't stop until I touched her hand and started telling her everything would be okay and she has to stay strong.

This needs to work.

Don't forget to show love! Thank you so much for being supportive of this book! I couldn't thank you enough!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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