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I've never been able to keep my mouth shut, and I guess that's why people never trust me with their big secrets. Being such a big-mouth, most people know everything about me. All I constantly do is chatter-chatter-chatter about this and that and me and her and that raging party the other night. I need to learn how to shut up. School is useless to me without that one lesson, but I have to deal with it. 

I have mostly average grades, some are lower than average and a few are shockingly higher than average. I'm not a nerd, but I'm not popular. I'm somewhere in the middle of the chain, just a normal person with a normal life. The perfect normal life. I have just the right amount of money, I have the bestest friends a girl could ask for, I have an amazing family, and a loving boyfriend. Everything in my life works, except for one thing. I have a crush on someone who barely knows I exist.

Scratch that, doesn't know I exist! Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit, I mean he obviously knows I exist or we wouldn't be half-friends, but he doesn't know I like him. If you haven't noticed from that last sentence about my crush not knowing I exist—I tend to stretch the truth a lot more than necessary... It's how most rumours start. Yet another reason why no one tells me anything big.

 Anyway, I have a boyfriend, I need to be devoted to him, but I just can't stay focused on one guy for more than a few seconds at a time. My current crush is the one that's held my interest for the longest so far even though I tend to perv on a lot more guys, and start to crush on a few more guys, he's still my number one... Although, there's always that one guy who walks along and seems so much hotter and nicer than the last, and they always come at the wrong time. Always. They either see you looking like a monster, or see you looking fabulous, but with your easily-jealous boyfriend. It really sucks, especially when the overly-jealous boyfriend chases the guy, down the street with make-up and holding a camera yelling at the guy who I may or may not have flirted with... Yeah, your right. He was totally hot, of course I did. 

Anyway, there I was, wearing a bikini top and booty-shorts washing my boyfriends car while Kayden—my boyfriend— is inside my house doing whatever it is guys do. This super hot guy walks up and starts talking to me. You have no idea how hot he is, so I flirt a little, but in my defense he totally started it!— and that's where Kayden comes in. This super hot guy takes my face in his hands and goes to kiss me. I obviously push him away, because I'm loyal, and then I shake my head at him. He didn't take the message and kissed me quicker than I could stop him, I had nothing to do except stand there like a weirdo while I'm being kissed. First instinct: feel his abs. That obviously will get me in more trouble so I stuck with my second instinct: knee him in the crotch. Yeah, Kayden only saw him kiss me. So now, I know Kayden does his make-up in his spare time and hot-guy is now scared of Kayden. The worst part of all this? Kayden has a camera and is yelling like a madman. 

"I'm gonna get a picture of you and upload it online telling the police your a sexual offender!" Kayden yells down the end of our street. I roll my eyes, he always does random stuff like this. I hop into the car—a red Mercedes Benz— speeding away from the house after the boys. Who knows what Kayden will do with a camera, he did once fight over the last chicken sandwich that someone else took... With a stale burger bun. Yes, it hurt. No, there were no serious injuries. Good thing too, considering that the guy wasn't a real jerk and was extremely hot.

"Back off, Shore!" The hot guy pants, "Isla's a big girl, she can pick between a transvestite and an aspiring model!" I pull up in front of the two boys, swirving professionally from so much practice, as I hop out and walk to the boys, taking the camera away and helping them up.  

"Careful, Conner, or your pretty, little face won't be so pretty and little anymore." Kayden snaps at him, wiping at his own face with his sweatshirt sleeve. So this is the famous Connor. They act so childishly towards each other, teasing and pranking each other so much. It gets annoying when all I hear Kayden say is how pathetic Connor is–especially when this moment is the first time I've met this Connor dude. They're best friends though, so I probably shouldn't have flirted... Even if I didn't know.

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