[cover] Secrets

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Author RosettaStars
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Plot summary-
One Girl. One big mouth. One gigantic secret.
* * *
A box of love, A dab of awesomeness, A few tons of Sarcasm, A pinch of jealousy, A load of surprises, A world of Happiness & Sadness & A universe of secrets. Oh! and a whole load of food.

Wouldn't it be 'interesting' to have a life like this?

Trust me, it is.

Well the 'food' part is great.

* * *

Melody Carlson. Drop dead gorgeous, enough to make any boy fall at her feet. Either in the falling in love way or 'she just kicked me where the sun doesn't shine' way.

She has a secret. A secret that she doesn't want him to know.

Here's where the cliche bit comes in. 'He' is the school play boy. And, they put together in one room. For four years.

It is often said that only opposites attract. Here, they will defy the laws of physics.

Uh. I hate that subject.

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