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Chanyeol found himself in front of heavy double doors located somewhere downtown, where the alleyways are extra dark and the amount of bodies morphing together into one in an all time high. It was Saturday night and Chanyeol easily concluded that the place is heavily packed, based purely on his intuitions and of course, the amount of people who's entering and leaving the place.

Sighing to himself, he scooped the almost inanimate device in his pocket, due to the lack of messages and calls from his lanky friend. Chanyeol went out his way for a fifteen-minute drive just because Sehun told him to do so. If it weren't for the younger's excited rambling over the phone that Chanyeol could almost see beams of light protruding out of his ass, he would be still at home, in his own comfort.

To be honest, Chanyeol was a bit curious, too. His childhood friend had told him about going out for some change of environment, rejecting the offer on the tip of his tongue when Sehun revealed that he is going to introduce him to someone. Someone important, apparently.

If Sehun didn't sound so excited, Chanyeol would be at home, snuggled in his warm duvet as he ate pizza while finishing the latest season of Tokyo Ghoul. But no, he's now stuck in the middle of a mosh pit where people bumped into him, rather him bumping into them. Whatever.

Strobe lights flickered as colourful laser beams added for the effect. The dubstep remix of a pop song boomed as it pumped Chanyeol's adrenaline on high, which he consumed so easily as he struggled to walk past sweaty bodies gyrating to each other. Gross.

After a fruitless night of waiting for Sehun, his phone buzzed to life which read 'I can see you' that made him smirk and shake his head. The silver-haired man automatically looked up and thanks to his and Sehun's towering heights, the search was not that troublesome, past the epileptic inducing lights.

"Howdy, faggot" Sehun grinned as they clasped their palms together and patted each other's shoulder. "How's life?"

"What the fuck is this place?" Chanyeol inquired, his handsome face contorting in distaste as he craned his neck around, scrutinising the sea of bodies too close to each other. "I want to go-"

"Home and coop in your blankets while watching sappy romance chick flicks like a sixteen-year-old girl in love or, if not, watch some weird Japanese cartoon or some shit?" The younger chuckled good-naturedly as Chanyeol knew he was in no place to deny. The older of the two chuckled in reply, not a bit embarrassed as he flipped the bird to the younger. It's a hobby, alright? (although he deliberately denies that it has grown to become a habit)

"But yeah, he should be here soon" Sehun gave his friend a one last squeeze on the shoulder. "I'll be right back. Just hitting the men's room" With that, Sehun disappeared in the dark as the music and the venue came to focus again and Chanyeol decided that maybe he's curious how that'll work, after all.

The twenty-three-year-old chose to sit down as he, again, was left all alone. He motioned for the bartender to take his order which was nothing that he knew he'd regret in the morning. Park Chanyeol was never the person who loved to take risks as it once landed him on his ass with no one to pull him up. Once is enough, he told himself. Once should be enough to teach you a lesson, no do-overs.

As he sunk down to the stool, Chanyeol couldn't help but notice the guy beside him, who gripped a glass of scotch loosely. If you try to listen close enough, you could hear the muffled cries as his head slumped on the bar table, his mop damp due to sweat. But what caught the twenty-three year old's attention is the man's crumpled tux and the tiny crimson box that was visible in between his fingers, curled into a fist.

After sitting down fully beside the man,  Chanyeol concluded that he was once drunk in love but now, he is just drunk.

This is why you don't get drunk, possibly in both ways.

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