Chapter 16

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Mitch's POV

I finally got the nerve to ask her. "Hey Emma" "Yeah?" She said turning around.

Emma's POV

I was looking at the lake daydreaming nothing could make this day better. "Hey Emma" "Yeah?" I said turning around. Mitch held my hand and got down on one knee. "Emma we have been dating for around a year and I can't live with out you... will you marry me?" he said taking a beautiful ring out of his pocket. "YES MITCH YES!!" I said he put the ring on my finger and I hugged him. when I said this day couldn't get any better well I was wrong it just got better! "I love you" "I love you to Mitch" I said we kissed. "Let's go walk around the lake" "ok" I said and grabbed his hand. My life is perfect. we walked around for a while then my phone rang and I answered it. "Hello?" "HEY!! It's Anna" "Hey what's up?" "Adam and I were wondering if you guys wanted to go to the movies tonight?" "Sounds fun.... what time do you want us to come over?" "in around 2 hours" "ok see you later" I said and hung up. "Who was that baby girl?" "Anna she wanted to know if we wanted to go to the movies with her and Adam" "Cool when do we have to be there?" "in 2 hours" "Lets go home and hang out I have another surprise when we get home" "Ok" I said and we walked to the car. I got a Skype call from Ellie. "HEY!" I said and waved we were on video chat. "So what's up" i said. "Nothing just hanging out with Jason" "Oh cool.... guess what!" "WHAT!" she yelled. "Do you two always have to yell?" I herd Jason say then his face came on the screen. "YES!" I yelled. "so what were you saying?" "Mitch and I are engaged now!!!!" I said showing her the ring. "OMG CONGRATS!! I'm just at the hotel with Jason were in Canada visiting Tyler and some other people" she said. "Tell Tyler I said hi" "Will do!" "Well Mitch and I will be home in like a half an hour I'll talk to you later" our house was far from the park. "Ok bye!" "Bye!" I said then hung up.

Ellie's POV

I had to lie to Emma we weren't actually in Canada we were in PA along with Tyler. we were there to visit Emma and Mitch and we were surprising Emma. "Jason we should leave now so we get there when they do" I said I walked over to Tyler's hotel room and got him. we drove to Emma's house.

Emma's POV

We pulled into the driveway and I got out. I herd someone running up to me. "GIVE AUNTI JANET A HUG!!!" it was Tyler. "OMG HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!" I yelled hugging him. "Why is it every time I see you your always yelling?" Someone said. "Jason?" "Yes" "AND ELLIE TO!!!" "Hey!" I said and hugged both of them. "Why are you guys here?" "Because Mitch said you missed us." Tyler said. it was true I did really miss them. "Do you guys want to come to the movies with us?" "Yeah sounds fun" "Ok we have to leave and go to Adams and Anna's house to get them" "LETS GOOOOO!" Tyler and I yelled. "You two are a lot a like" Jason said looking Tyler and I. "Were like brother and sister" I said. "ITS TRUE" Tyler yelled.

~At Adam's~

I knocked on the door and Anna opened it. "Hey.... WHEN DID THEY GET HERE!" Anna said and hugged all of them. "We got here yesterday" Tyler said. "come in" Anna said. "ARE MITCH AND EMMA HERE?" Adam yelled. "YES!" Adam came running down the stairs and stopped at the bottom. "Wait Jason?.....JASON!!!!!!" Adam yelled running to Jason. "HEY WHAT ABOUT ME!" Tyler yelled. "BROTATO!!!!" Adam yelled hugging him. "So Mitch did you ask her?" Adam asked. "Yep and she said yes" he said putting his arms around my waist. "Ask her what" Anna said and Tyler looked confused. I showed them my ring. "OMG CONGRATS!!!" Anna yelled hugging me. we went to the movies and afterwords we hung out at Adam's house and after that we went home and went to sleep.

AN: this chapter had a lot of surprises

The girl on the bus (BajanCanadian fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें