day 2

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I made two days today I told my self I was happy I was really happy . I told my self that I wouldn't buy clothes until I was a size zero and I will commit to my promise I said I weighted my self and a sight of relief passed by my lips as I saw that I dropped 2 pounds in day of starving 178 lb 88lb left I said in my head i don't care I will reach my goal.I will suffer cry i knew the pain that will cause me but if I didn't try it I would be a failure I will not give mercy to my self and I will promise friend at lunch looked at me and said why are you not eating I told her the food in school was nasty but I was lying I,ate every fuckin meal they would give me I would even get seconds that's something I feel horrible of doing.I didn't know how it felt to be skinny I never was and I wanted to not just be skinny I wanted to see the my collor bones. So I suck to it.
Wow guys idk what to say I need a Ana friend to starve with I feel left out and broken  I been cutting a lot lately and I don't want to feel alone no more I want someone feel how I am!!

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