❀Chapter 7❀

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The ride was very enjoyable, I think even Luke liked it a little. It had ended only moments ago. Considering after what happened, it's a start. He kept screaming like a little girl, begging for mercy, and he drew a cross in the air. It was actually pretty funny.

When Luke was away in Melbourne with his older brothers Ben and Jack back in 2012, they went to a carnival much like this one. They also went on the zipper as their last ride before they left, but unfortunately the ride had technical difficulties while they were mid-way through it. Luke and Jack went together in a pod, and Ben went in his own. Luke and Jack were okay, but unfortunately Ben wasn't. Let's just say he had a very long stay at the hospital he was taken to. Luke can't stand the zipper to this day, all because of that horrific memory.

But the fact that he put his differences aside for me is what makes Luke my best friend. My trustee. My partner in crime. The only one who I can count on for anything and everything.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Luke was yelling my name over and over to get my attention. (A/N: Cries b/c fetus 5sos.) I shook my head a few times, getting my head back in the game. Luke was already out of the pod, his hand outstretched for me to take. My hand met his, and a warm feeling washed over me like a tidal wave.

"Psst. Jess. Hello? Are you dead?" Luke whispered in my hear, his breath looming on my neck making me shiver.

"I'd like to be," I chuckled. I only laughed to make it seem like I was kidding. But the truth is, I don't feel like going on. I feel like dying would be the better bet to all of this. But, I can't die. At least not yet. I have to stay alive for mom, dad, and especially Luke. I don't know if Luke could even withstand me leaving in the first place. He can barely cope as it is, I know him. But with me dead, he would want to die too. And that makes me want to die even more.

Luke being in pain because of me is the worst feeling in the world. And to top it all off, I won't be there to comfort him, and he won't be there to comfort me when I'll need him the most.

The only thing we have to communicate with is the Internet. God bless the creator of technology. If he was still alive, I'd find him and give him the biggest hug known to man.

"Jess, you're worrying me," Luke said hesitantly.

"Isn't that my job?" I said, faking laugh again.


That was when I lost it. That one word made me lose it all. I bursted out into tears, Luke being startled at the very second it happened. He immediately wiped the flowing tears off of my cheek, wiping them on his blink-182 tee. (A/N: Also since this is currently 2016, go buy blink's new album, California. Casually advertises one of my favorite bands.)

"Hey, it's gonna be okay," he whispered.

"Can I tell you a secret?" he softly said.

I nodded.

"Jessica Rose, I love you. I always have, and I always will. Until infinity and beyond. You've always held my heart, and you never knew. I have liked you since I was 14 years old. But as I grew older I began to love you. I knew I felt something for you. And look where we are now. God, I'm so, so, in love with you. You're leaving tomorrow. That also means I die tomorrow. The love of my life is leaving me, and there's nothing I can do about it," Luke whispered into my ear, which instantly froze me.

I heard muffled sobs, coming from Luke himself, surprisingly not me.

I grabbed his face, and turned it towards me. I could see his eyes turning to a dark shade of blue. His eyes always did that when he cried.

Luke was right. How could I have been so blind? Everything that he did for me. I never knew it was out of love. I love Luke, but I'm not sure if it's the same way that he loves me. I see Luke as many different people to me. I see him as the older brother I've never had, my best friend, but never as a lover. I've been so self- centered, that I never even considered the fact that he loved me, and I feel even more stupid. My feelings are conflicted for Luke. He's also right when he said that I felt something during that kiss earlier today. It was confusion, but also pure happiness, and I think that means something.

"Luke, I'm honestly speechless. You're right, I never knew, and I've been so selfish. But, I think I love you too. I'm just not sure, and that is what makes me scared," I croaked out.

Luke took both of my hands and intertwined them with his. He held them out in front of their faces.

"You've been with me my whole life. Our mom's have been together their whole lives, Jess. Don't you think that means something?" he said as stared into my hazel eyes, and I stared into his blue. (A/N: Starts singing Colors by my queen.)

"This is getting sort of awkward, standing in the middle of the carnival, two dumb teenagers crying and holding hands. Let's go on the Ferris wheel," I said, tugging on Luke's hand.

He led me to the line, where there was actually no wait. The man in front of the ride let us in without giving him a ticket, and I instantly smiled and mouthed a thank you. He nodded and returned to his post, staring out into the seas of people.

We hopped into the cart which was the farthest from the entrance, hoping that would give us some privacy.

"Jess, what are your feelings for me?" Luke asked randomly. I shook my head, incapable of giving him an answer.

"Luke I honestly don't know what I feel for you," I said softly.

He motioned for me to come to him, so I scooted myself over until I was on his side and rested my head on his chest.

"I think I feel something for you, because you're right, when I said I felt something during that kiss. And I think it was love."

I heard Luke take an in a sharp breath.

He immediately kissed my cheek, holding the kiss for a few seconds. He then cupped my face, and pecked my lips. He then giggled, his eyes sparkling with joy and hope.

"You know what this means right? My parents might let me move with you to North America! If I just beg them enough-" Luke rattled until I cut him off.

"Luke, I like you a lot, I do, but you can't come with me. We'll find another way to keep in touch, but you can't leave your family. Especially for me. And who knows how long I'll be staying?" I said, sighing.


"True, very true."

"Now that we both feel something for each other, don't you reckon we should make it official?" He questioned, and I nodded, smiling like a hopeless idiot.

"Jessica Rose Renolds, would you do me the honor of being my magnificent, lovely, amazing, beautiful girlfriend?"

Instead of replying, I sat on his lap and kissed him passionately. All I felt during it was pure happiness, that Luke and I finally came together. The kiss lasted for about 40 seconds, and I pulled away from him.

Our foreheads rested against each other, and all Luke and I did was giggle until infinity, him holding me in his arms, and us watching the sun set.

I couldn't picture our last day together any different, and any better than this.

Hey guys this was eh so I hope you's liked it
I was listening to Jasey Rae by ATL and Cry Out by One Ok Rock and Death of a Bachelor by P!atd and Forever My Father by Go Radio while I was writing this so I'm very sorry if it's a bit sad
I'm also sorry b/c there was a bit of A/N's this chapter
I'm finally sorry there's so many sorry's
Love you's
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