Chapter 1: Knowing a lot about you

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You were so sick and tired of waiting for the line at your favorite restaurant. With your empty stomach begging for food, you felt like you were going to collapse. Sakura, a friend of yours, was standing beside you and rocking back and forth patiently in this long line. You always wondered how this girl can handle moving on in an empty stomach. Then again, this girl you're talking about is one of Ryu's greatest students. And of course, knowing a student of Ryu's, they are absolutely no laughing matter when it comes to their abilities. As for you, you're just an average street fighter. You're not all that noticed, especially not the big center of attention like certain fighters are. No, you're just a fighter who's there for a jolly good time. Even though it involves with fists and pain. But either way, the art of fighting is more interesting to you. How swift a man can swing back at his enemy's strikes, leaving imaginary paint strikes. It's rather unique. But you are fully aware of fighters who take things a little bit more seriously than you. Those are rebels. But they are also called Shadaloo, one of the most dangerous crews you have seen so far. M. Bison was known to be the reason of it there, too. He is the main 'king' of Shadaloo. There are other kings. The other kings were Balrog, F.A.N.G, and Vega. However, there was once a king named Sagat. You wondered why he was gone, and F.A.N.G came over to take his throne. Well, you weren't a Shadaloo worker, so it really wasn't your business anyway.
One of the kings has perked your interest, though. You greatly despised him, yet at the same time liked him. Vega, the Spanish ninja. This man is dangerous, and rather mad with his beauty, and can't seem to stop spatting out his narcissism. A huge flirt, you discovered once before. This was before you even knew Shadaloo was a thing, back at a bar. You remembered it like it was last night, but this was years ago. Him wearing that black tuxedo, swirling the alcohol in his cup. He had that smirk on his face, looking at your masked face.
"Rather lonesome over there, aren't you?" He picked up a conversation to you. Your eyes darted over the charming man, and your eyes widened when you saw him, as if you were just encountering a prince. You are so awkward at these kinds of conversations, you just gulped down your saliva and looked to a side, nodding quietly.
Vega chuckled lightly, like bells ringing on a gentle December. Those diamond glistening eyes were stabbing you like knives mentally, you can't handle his gaze.
"Oh, don't be so mute." He continued, reaching a hand onto yours, you immediately responded with your hand freeing itself from his, slipping onto your lap. He blinked, a little disappointed. Your gaze grew rather anxious now, and you made a small frown. "Sorry, I'm just a little overwhelmed by the amount of people in here, it gets a little hot in here, you know?" You asked, rubbing the back of your head.
Vega closed his eyes, nodding. "Ah, you're right. Suppose it does tend to be over board."
You made a nervous laugh, getting up. "Sorry sir, but I must take my leave."
He looked over, smiling. "Oh, very well. By the way, my name is Vega. Remember that, if you ever can."
You tensed, making the most awkward grin ever. You didn't even reply, you just stuttered and turned, zooming off.
Ah, memories.
That memory wasn't cherished at the end, anyway. You hated how stupid you acted towards that hot man, but hey, you then discovered that guy is a crazy assassin who works with people who want to take over the world, your relationship would never work out if you didn't know and date him anyway at this point.
Your mind snapped out of it when you heard the man in the desk saying 'next' possibly the third time. You shook your head, and seeing Sakura grabbing your hand and running with you to the waiter.
"Sheesh, dude! I tried getting your attention for a minute! Don't worry, I ordered your main thing."
Oh, thank god you were hanging out with someone who knows her friend perfectly well.
You came along with Sakura happily, keeping up. When the waiter set you two down, he left you and Sakura alone. You smiled over to the beaming girl.
"Man, today is a nice day for a girl hang out, huh?" She asked, giggling.
You shrugged and leaned onto your seat.
"Yeah, totally. Especially when it's with you." You answered, leaving a smooth reply. Sakura only blinked at the compliment, then her eyes glistened.
"Aw, shucks. That's pretty sweet of you to say!"
You raised a brow at her response. The waiter gave you your drinks, leaving past once more. Sakura smiled, because she ordered milkshakes for the both of you. This girl can be pretty cute at times, and you don't even have that strong emotions for her. Either way, it's nice to see such a respectful person. You guys were chatting, when something made you pause. A figure ghosting past you outside, pausing themself. You didn't look at the person for a moment, and yet you turned over slightly, seeing the figure more perfectly. He was looking down to you for a moment, then suddenly leaving past. You shuddered from that small moment, and Sakura blinked at you.
"Huh? Are you okay?" She tried getting your attention again, and you suddenly looked over back to her.
"Oh! Yeah, I'm fine. I got a little distracted, was all."
"Man, you sure are always having your head in the clouds when you're super hungry. Luckily, our meal is coming this way!"
You were suddenly lightened at that, seeing the waiter holding a huge plate with soon to be eaten food. At last, your torturing hunger can rest in peace!

Though, that man did give you quite an anxiety spike.

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