"Yea we do" Normani joined in.

"Thanks guys" Camila said happily.

I stopped a a red light and glanced at the pulchritudinous girl next to me.
She looked at me and we made eye contact I then glanced at her soft looking lips. Camila saw me look at her lips and she smirked at me when we made eye contact again. The light turned green in my peripheral vision and I kept driving till we parked on the school grounds. We all entered the school making our way to our classes but Camila and I walked together silently.

"Camila if you ever need anything or need someone to talk to you can always talk to me" I told her.

"Aw thanks Lauren same for you anyway how's that girl been?" She asked curiously.

"I think she's seen better days" I told Camila.

"Yep I have." The smaller girl said.

"oh by the way what's your -."

I was cut off by Austin saying,"hey it's my beautiful girlfriend!"

He kissed her cheek and I rolled my eyes which Camila caught me in mid act.

She raised her eyebrow at me then responded,"hi Austin."

"Baby lets go see a movie next weekend then go to your place after..." He said then leaned closer whispering to her,"alone in your bed room we can make love for the first time."

I was completely disgusted and mad, I turned away furiously walking away from the dick called Austin. I looked back at Camila she gave me a unhappy face but she turned to Austin and put on a fake smile accepting his offer.
I went into a girls bathroom down the hall and looked in the mirror with a tear in my eye. My eyes were a brighter green I knew I needed to calm down or else I would be on the world news with video footage of a giant wolf running out of the bathroom. My anger went away and someone walked in the bathroom it was Camila I could tell by her smell it made me feel at home so I relaxed and turned facing her.

"Sorry about Austin what were you going to ask me?" She said.

"I was going to ask what your number was before your boyfriend butted into the conversation."

"Here give me your phone I'll put it in for you" Camila offered kindly.

We then traded phones and added each others numbers.

"Thanks and by the way I heard what he said" I confessed.

"How?" She asked.

"He was pretty loud and we should go before class starts bye Camila." I said while walking out of the bathroom.

"Bye Lauren." She said before the bathroom door closed as I was walking out.

Time passed by quickly when I thought of Camila throughout the day during my classes. Lunch arrived and I was surprised to see Camila sitting with the pack I looked over to where she was sitting the day before and no one was there. I smiled and sat down next to her. We all talked about the most random things and sometimes I would catch Camila staring at me. I would then turn to look at her and she would turn away and face the girls in front of her.

Lunch ended and we were walking out of the room when I asked Camila,"can you hangout tonight?"

"Sure why not you trying to get your girl?" She said flirtatiously.

"Something like that" I said smirking.

I didn't see Camila till the end of the day she approached me as I was waking to the black pick up truck with the other three girls waiting for my arrival.

"Do you mind taking me home?" Camila asked.

"Nope Normani can drive home and drop us both off and we can hang sound good?" I asked.

"Sounds great." Camila responded.

We walked to the car I had the keys in my hand I told Normani," here catch drive Camila and I to her house."

I threw the keys at Mani and she did as told then Dinah screamed,"shot gun bitches."

Camila, Ally and I sat in the back until we arrived to Camila's house. We both hopped out of the truck and Camila started unlocking her front door.

Wolf Harmony •Camren•Where stories live. Discover now