19. But...

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The woman stirred in her sleep. She felt cold. As if it were instinct she reached across the bed, only to be met with empty sheets. At this, a deep frown formed on her lips.

"Pipes?" She called.

Once more, "Piper?"

A soft laugh drifted through the room, and the bed slowly dipped down. Warmth filled Alex's body as the girl placed herself as close as she possibly could to the woman, the frown that once adorned her lips now replaced with a smile.

"Where were you?" Alex chuckled, giving Piper's forehead a soft kiss. The girl stayed silent and didn't answer. This caused Alex to prop herself up with her elbow, her gaze set upon Piper.


Piper only smiled, laughed her breathless laugh and shrugged off the answer. She curled into Alex's side and let the older woman entangle her body with Piper's own, completely. If anyone were to see them they'd think they were meant to be one person, together, forever.

Alex jolted awake, her heart hammering against what almost felt like an empty chest, her empty chest. Her head immediately turned to look beside her, a deep sadness washing over her as she saw just white sheets, no sleeping girl.

"Pipes?" She choked out, sleep thick in her voice. The room was dimly lit, signifying either the ending of a day, or the beginning of a new one. Alex prayed for the latter. She wanted everything about the previous day gone from her memory entirely. She refused to accept the fact that Piper would be-

Alex took a deep breath. The woman was not one to get attached emotionally. But when it came to Piper, it was as if Alex had developed a sort of affinity for the girl. Her love for Piper was inevitable, and just like all the great love stories, she feared this one would end in chaos.

It was Sunday. Alex had no classes today, and she would usually spend the day with Piper, but today she wouldn't be. She felt lost, clueless: two things the woman hated being. It's the one thing she never lacked; control, except for now.

Maybe that's what scared her the most. The fact that she wasn't in control, or that she never had been. They just did, and didn't think about anything. Piper was a sophomore in college, a shitty college at that. She has her whole life ahead of her, surely she would want to go off and do something grand.

Alex had just assumed that she was Piper's grand old adventure. But she wasn't. She isn't. Piper would be leaving her behind, turning the page that was Alex cause in her novel of life.

For the first time in years Alex felt defeated. It was silly to be upset. Not over the fact that Piper had kept this all as a secret, but over the fact that she was leaving. Of course she would jump at the chance to go to the one college she's always dreamt of, no one in their right mind wouldn't.

And this made Alex feel worse.

She should be spending their last weeks together, instead Alex has made the decision on her and Piper's behalf to just leave.

Alex would much rather be the one who leaves, rathe than being left.

Throughout her heavy thinking process the woman made her way to the kitchen where she leaned idly against the counter, phone in hand. Piper had texted a great amount of times, called too. But she had stopped. Alex almost felt disappointed at that.

She felt the need to call Piper, to talk though this, to come up with some sort of plan, but she didn't. She didn't, and maybe she should've, but she didn't. Instead she turned her phone off completely and drowned in something other than the thought of Piper leaving.

- - - - - - - - - - -







"Hey this is Alex, leave me a message and I'll get back to you soon-"


Piper's hand slammed against the table top as soon as she heard the familiar voice filter through the cellphone. Her head was spinning and she couldn't grasp the concept of Alex leaving her. The girl felt sick to her stomach and wanted nothing other than the older brunette in her arms, or rather, to be in Alex's. The woman had every right to be upset. Piper hid this from her, ore so herself, but she most definitely hid this from Alex.

She had almost forgotten about the letter and the ticket. It was important, yes, but there was currently something even more important that Piper had her attention on. But then Alex found it, and everything went to shit.

"Hey this is Al-"

Another slam to the counter.

She wished she could say something like, "I'm not going, I've changed my mind" but that would only add more gas to the fire that was already burning ferociously. Because the thing is: Piper wants to go. She wants to be a smith grad, she's wanted that her entire life. But now, she wants Alex. She wants Alex and she wants Alex. She will always want Alex. She couldn't even begin to imagine herself without the woman.

Piper had everything mapped out, from the second she stepped foot out of her parents house and into the new world that was her new life, everything was written down in great detail. And smith was writhing down in capital letters, bold print, highlighted and underlined.

Alex was never a part of the plan. But the same thing could be said about Piper in Alex's life. They were both at stake here.


Piper's breathing almost stopped. She waited for the rest of the voicemail to continue but it didn't, the line was silent.

"Pipes?" Alex questioned. She sounded...tired.

"H-hey! Hi! Alex! I-I was expecting your voice mail-"

"Would you like to hang up and call again? I promise you'll get the voicemail."

There was the faintest hint of playfulness in Alex's tone.

"No, thank you. I like this much better."

The line sent silent for a few seconds before Alex sighed and began to speak once again.

"Listen, I get it, okay? I get it, and I don't want to be that person that holds you back from fulfilling your dreams. I-I won't be angry, I refuse to be bitter over something like this." She paused momentarily to breath. "So I'm going to make this easy for you: I'm leaving you before you can leave me."

Piper gulped, her heart plummeting.


"No, don't. I can't, not right now. Just- Do something great, okay? Don't do it for nothing. I love you."

"Alex, I lo-"

The line went dead.

Piper just sat there, holding in a breath she so desperately needed to let out. When she did it came out jaggedly, like a lawnmower sputtering out the last remnants of fumes it's been running off of. Her entire body shook beneath her and for a second she thought the world was ending. But of course, it wasn't. The world around her stayed perfectly still, while everything inside of her crumbled to ruins.


(: so

This is the last chapter.

I'm gonna have an epilogue uploaded after this, but other than that this is pretty much the end. Please comment your opinions.

I also have another story in the making. I will update when that is published.

Comment and vote!

Ps, I love you. And I'm sorry.

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